Trying this one more time. *types quickly* Our internet has been wonky and hasn't let me post. Lol, guess it doesn't want me too. Hee.
The one thing about living with others that watch SV, is that I always get an immediate reaction from them and we talk about it, and boy was there a lot of ranting at this household.
I did learn one thing, I'm not as emotional invested with the characters as most. I watch, cause I love Lex and Clark. And more then anything else, I love the potential that could be.
I liked the ep, I don't agree with the writers and I have to wonder what the fuck they were smoking, er thinking.
I don't think sex is evil. I don't think Lex was in the wrong for sleeping with 13 women- in my mind the number was triple that, if not more. He's had a busy year with his father and such, so he wasn't able to get around as he should. I mean, come on? Rich Lex Luthor? Who the fuck wouldn't fuck him?
It urked me that they never once commented on what a psycho bitch Shannon was- she didn't tell him her name, she cheated on her boyfriend; and Lex wanting to have sex is bad how? *rollseyes* And it was only the audience that saw this, no one else knows and with the bad publicity- who would take Lex's side?
Clark was a jerk, and he acted like the jealous boyfriend more then anything else. 'OMG, Lex you are having sex? How evil!' *rollseyes* I just wish Lex would call him on his shit. Clark was saying how he doesn't know this other side of Lex, but the same goes for Clark. And ugh.
That's all I'm saying about that.
Loving the addition of Jane Seymour. Oh, how I've always loved her and I can't wait to see how her character arch ends up. And I'm probably one of the few that does like the Lana B plot. I want to know what's going on. Jason's and his mother's talk was cryptic and intriguing, and I hope the writers don't fuck it up too.
I don't believe Lionel is good. I also didn't enjoy watching him as I have before, good Lionel sucks. Way to go fuck up an awesome character that I loved to hate. *sigh*
Um, yeah. So, totally random thoughts, but eh it is Smallville after all.
In other news, I figured out how to make screencaps!! And it appears I have a program to write VCD's, must investigate more. Hmm.
Now, if only Lost would download faster. Life would be good.