Mar 19, 2004 20:42
in the event of radio trips stuff happends.
i dont feel the need to tell everyone wwhat happends.
in the case of like to clear them up.
1. i did kiss nikki.
2. im not gay
3. an offer was declined
4. ryan and i were in the same pool locker room in our underwear (which we used as bathing suits,
5. i did not have like a make out session with 8 other people.
i would like the people that are making the story out to be that:
1. i hard core shoved my tongue down nikkis throat.. (which i did not)
2. that me and ryan are gay together..because i definately am not
3. that nikki gave me head? wtf?
4. that me and ryan were in the hotel shower locking the doors and in the shower..
becuase i dont like rumors and im man enough to take it to my own hands and tell eveyone the truth..before it goes further. im sick of high school be a little less immature and quit with the rumors..grow up ..were in high school.