Half-Assed Grand Trianon Recolors.

Nov 25, 2011 15:51

Yes, I'm posting a few separate posts. I've found that if I try to make a post with a bunch of different sections, the cuts always get screwed up. It's just faster/easier to do it this way, so...yeah. :) ANYWAY!

Just to prove that I don't ONLY recolor Maxis stuff, I figured I'd toss these up here, in case anyone else might want them. They're much too half-assed to put up on MTS, but if you're a person who, like me, ONLY has/uses the Loft Bed and the pieces that fit into it from the Grand Trianon collection, you might find these useful. Or not. I don't know. They are, after all, half-assed. Did I mention that they're half-assed? ;)

These are half-assed because the GT collection is put together such that recoloring the master file recolors everything in the collection, and there's a friggin' boatload of completely different and unrelated pieces in the collection, everything from a toilet to a grandiose fountain. The set's master file, the floor mirror, contains five different texture images, which recolorers have to provide for each recolor or else they won't show properly.

So, I have done exactly that with these, but because I only use the Loft Bed stuff, I really only cared about the wood and the glass textures. The other three textures in the files are basically "fillers." And even the glass texture is just plain unornamented "glass" because that's exactly what I wanted. Because of the above, I cannot guarantee that these recolors (and there are a lot of them, 24 in all) will look even remotely good on anything in the GT collection other than the Loft Bed pieces. I shudder to think what might happen with that fountain when subjected to these files...but then again, it might be good for lulz. :)

So, if you're still interested:

I have three available options with these. All are very basic, absolutely no frills, mostly just a color with a bit of subtle graining. And like I said, the glass texture for all of these is just plain clear "glass." I wanted a bunch of very simple and very basic recolors, so that's exactly what I made. Here are the options:

Option 1 is wood colors from my usual palette of 20 colors. There are "only" 13 of them, though, since I don't bother with the seven "weathered" versions, unless requested, when I slap these colors onto furniture. The pic in front of the cut is the Acorn color of this set. Here are smaller pics of the other 12 colors:

Option 2 is the four wood colors from Maxis's "Mission" furniture from OFB because those are my favorite Maxis wood colors. In fact, it's not just those colors on these but the graining as well, clone-brushed directly from a piece of the texture image of Maxis's "Bedscalibur" bed. Like so:

(Why the "Dark" version's graining is so drastically different from the other three colors is a mystery to me. But it's what Maxis did, and who am I to complain, right?)

Finally, there's Option 3. Since I use these beds often in kids' rooms, and I sometimes like to be cutesy and sometimes go to the effort of creating cutesy pastel-y kids' rooms, I slapped some pastels on these, too. They are the same colors, in fact, that I slapped on the "Rough and Comfy" bed over here. This color set also contains a possibly useful white, if you use the GT set and don't already have a white recolor for it. Anyway, here ya are:

Oh, and of course these won't work if you don't have the meshes, which if you missed the link in front of the cut and you don't already have pieces of this set, you can find here. You need the floor mirror, which is the master object, and then you need whatever other pieces of the collection you want to have. But like I said, these recolors are really only meant for the Loft Bed and its associated pieces, as shown in the pics. I make absolutely NO guarantees about how they'll look on anything else. (That said, I suspect that they would look pretty nice on the doors/windows of the collection because, IIRC, those only use the glass and wood textures, too. I just don't have those particular pieces in my game anymore, as they were casualties of one of my recent, manic, "If I haven't used it in months, out it goes!" CC purges. So, I can't do any testing.)

As always, the files are pre-Compressorized for your health and safety. Which is a good thing because these, uncompressed, are almost 1MB EACH, probably because the wood texture image is absurdly large. Thankfully, they compress down to about 150-180KB each. They're also clearly named so that you can easily get rid of the colors you don't like/won't use out of whatever set(s) you download.

Here be the download links:

Download iCad's Woods
Download Maxis's "Mission" Woods
Download Pastels

And that be it. Like I said, nothing exciting and, really, totally half-assed. But still possibly useful if you don't go into these expecting them to look good on everything in the Grand Trianon set.

matching woods project, downloads

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