Longhollow, Rupert Long, Week 5

Jul 04, 2014 04:34

It's been a while, sorry. I've been sitting on these. Guess I just haven't felt like messing around with pics and uploading them and posting and stuff. But here we are!

For F-bombs (It's Rupert, after all) and nekkid butts.

Before I begin, let me say that my college semesters are two, not three, days long each. Which means that two years of college equals roughly one "week" back in the main neighborhood. So, for this update, you get Rupert's freshman and sophomore years of college.

Also of note: My dorm-living Uni students free will pretty much all the time. I direct them to fulfill wants where possible, and I tend to their needs if they don't tend to them themselves. And I try to send them to a community lot fairly often if they don't roll a want to do something that requires going to one anyway, just to avoid boredom. But other than that, they're pretty much on their own, allowed to form relationships and such on their own.

Whether or not they go to class every day as well as whether or not they decide to take their final depends on their aspiration, with different aspirations having a different chance of attending class/taking finals. Knowledge Sims like Rupert pretty much always go to class, but the other aspirations don't always go, which will sometimes result in drop-outs. Because if my students go on academic probation, they must immediately drop out. That's the rule because to allow them to repeat semesters would screw up my age-synching, particularly when it comes to their siblings who don't attend college. And because my rules are such that many careers require a degree to max out AND they don't get to go to college in the first place unless they have an LTW to max out a career with such a restriction, dropping out will mean that that Sim has no chance of fulfilling his/her LTW. So...Them's the breaks.)

So, all that said, whatever you see happening when I'm documenting Uni students is pretty much stuff they decide to do all by their little pixel selves, for better or worse. Mostly for worse, it seems. So here we go...

Rupert arrived on campus, duly aging up to Young Adult:

Yeah, he doesn't look much different than he looked as a teen. And he's certainly no prettier than he was before!

"Oh yeah? Well, you're...you're..."
I'm what?
"I was gonna say you're no vision of beauty either, but I can't see you."
HAH! It's good to be an incorporeal voice.

Anyway, shortly after Rupert moved in, the Parade of Dormies began. In order of their appearance we have:

Joshua Davison. He has an...interesting skin tone. Seriously, I don't know where these all came from!

Margaret Enriquez. She has lovely eyes, and Rupert has a bolt of chemistry with her.

Mary Almassizadeh. She, too, has lovely eyes, and Rupert has a bolt of chemistry with her as well.

Rodney Reeves. He's...non-descript, poor lad. But not ugly!

Dawson Sims, who is very interesting-looking, mostly because I've got a thing for guys with long hair. Rupert's straight, so nothing's gonna happen there, but there might be possibilities with this one down the line, with future students...

And finally, Sunny Hunicke who is, IMO, just lovely. And a redhead. Unfortunately, she has no bolts with Rupert but...Well, that's not necessarily going to to stop him.

In any case, Rupert's first semester was mostly spent getting to know a few of his dormmates. Particularly the female ones, of course.

"Yep, chicks still dig me."
Oh, whatever.

So here he is flirting with Margaret:

She didn't tell him to piss off but she also didn't seem especially interested. On the other hand, he seems to be developing a liking for Mary. They chat often:

And enjoy a friendly game of chess fairly regularly:

And they quickly became friends.

Rupert, as a Knowledge Sim, gets a free hacked telescope according to my rules, which he brought with him to campus. There's not a lot of extra room on his dorm's lot, so it's basically sitting on the sidewalk, but that doesn't stop him from spying on other people on campus:

And it doesn't stop him from:

Yup. And when he came back, he was werewolfed again:

"Aw, will you make up your minds, guys?!" Rupert yelled at the sky.
Hey, it could've been worse, you know.
"Yeah, I know. I could've acquired a little Kirby," he answered with a shudder.

And then the next morning, he was off to take his first final. Which he passed with flying colors and got his $1200 grant. Arriving back at his dorm, he rolled a want to declare the math major and since that benefits the Oceanography career, which is his LTW, I let him declare it. And then he rolled up a want for...a guitar? Well, his OTH IS Music & Dance, not that you'd know it from what he wants and chooses to do, but...OK? So although it ate a hefty chunk of his change, he got what he wanted. And he seems to enjoy it:

Later, after class, it was time to explore the campus a bit. Since he's theoretically going into the Oceanography career, I sent him to check out Brainania's Ichthyology department, where he annoyed the fishies:

And werewolfed:

And checked out the girls. Well, girl, anyway. Singular. Everyone else who showed up were his dormmates, probably because my game hasn't generated more than that yet. In any case, this one is named Veronica, and Rupert doesn't have any bolts with her. She doesn't seem too impressed with him, either:

You're losing your touch, little man!
"I swear, it's all the hair!" he whined.
Yeah, you keep telling yourself that, bud...

Veronica and Rodney seemed to be on the same wavelength, though!

Poor Mary, meanwhile, got targeted...

...while Rupert:

My hero.
"Fuck off."

And then after she got pickpocketed, Mary decided to do this:

Which resulted in some pink hearts on Rupert's part and an extra chemistry bolt. Well, OK. There's a development. But then Mary left the lot, so Rupert sat down for some chess with Margaret:

And ended up making friends with her. And then Mary came back to the lot, and Rupert gave her a friendly greeting:

And then she left the lot again. I don't know what's up with her. And then Sunny came up to chat about guitar-playing, apparently:

I guess she heard him playing earlier. And then he rolled a want to turn Mary into a werewolf, which is...interesting, but since it was 3AM and he was a bit hungry, I figured it was time to send him home. But before I could feed him:

Well, maybe he'll get his wish to be de-werewolfed...
...Or, um, not:

MWAHAHAHAHAHHAH! (Note: I tend to stretch out YA pregnancies to about double length so that the resulting babies aren't teens before the parent(s) graduate(s).)

The next morning, it was finals time again, and:

Way to go, kid
"Yeah, I totally got it."
Yep, you totally do. More than you know.
"What's that supposed to mean?"
Nothing, darling. Nothing at all.

Meanwhile, Mary got frisky:

Which gave her pink hearts. And since Rupert's gonna have to get a not-dorm place to live relatively soon, I sense further developments in the not-too-distant future...

After that, Rupert was "unusually" hungry, so he had some lunch. And then he needed a Charisma point to open up his grade bar. And then he did some studying with Mary, after which he was really sleepy for some reason, so he napped. When he woke up, he ate, showered, played his guitar a bit, and then, even after his nap, he was exhausted...

...and now he knows why.

"You shut up!"
Hey, maybe you'll luck out and Mary will think you're hot when pregnant.
"......Well, there's a thought."

And then, since he was awake anyway...Well, he did have a want to write a term paper...

After returning from class the next day, Rupert discovered that even preggo guys can get down:

And then he and Mary shared a meal and become besties:

She doesn't seem to mind his penchant for nekkid, which he of course got from his she'll-drop-her-clothes-at-the-drop-of-a-hat mama. Margaret, on the other hand, is always acting deeply shocked and demanding that he get dressed. Imagine what would happen if she got a load of said clothes-dropping mama...

Anyway, after a nap, it was time to check out another lot on campus. This time, because he needed some fun, it was the arcade. And apparently, Mary doesn't have a problem with him being preggo:

And what's this?

Hmpf! Maybe she is interested after all, because she sprouted pink hearts for him. Hmmmm...
And then it was 2AM and Rupert was sleepy, so...homeward! And when he got back to the dorm:

This is becoming a disturbing pattern. But this time, nothing happened. Margaret was out there to watch him land, though, and:

Hmmmmmmm....And then he sprouted pink hearts for her.

"Yep, even with this thing in my gut, I still got it."
Apparently you do. Now go eat something. And then get your ass in bed. You've got a final at 8AM.
"Fuck off."

Next morning, there was time for a little naked preggo dancing with Mary before he headed off to his final:

Which he aced, of course:

And when he returned:

Sooooooo...Nesting much yet, darling?
"Fuck off."

He took a bit of a nap after all that mopping...and then it was time for class. And when he got back:

A bit of pregnant werewolf shredding. And then Margaret did a bit of "savaging" of her own...

...which made her fall in lurve while Rupert rhapsodized about fried eggs:

And then, wiped out, Rupert went to bed.

The next morning, after a pancake breakfast, it was time to check out another campus lot. Since he's been on a music kick since getting the guitar, he decided to check out the music building. Once there, Margaret greeted him with a kiss that made him fall in love with her while...chatting with Veronica?

Um, OK. But not to be outdone:


But! He rolled up a want to get engaged to Margaret. So, that would have settled that...except for this:

Which happened when Margaret saw Mary flirting with Rupert. So....

"Yeah, so like she's like waaaaaay too possessive."
So, Mary it is?
"Maybe. But first I gotta get this THING outta me."
Soon, darling. Soon.
"Better be. In the meantime, I'm gonna go play some Mozart."

And while Rupert played Mozart, the Ladies in Red duked it out, since they hate each other's guts now:

This is Mary's "I'm so gonna kick her ass" face:

Meanwhile, a streaker showed up on the lot:

Improbably, he's named "Ira." Ira the Streaker. Gotta love it. And then it was time to send Rupert home for a nap after this most eventful morning/afternoon.

He woke up to go to class and when he came back, he rolled up a want to get engaged to Mary, so:

The next morning, it was the last final of Rupert's sophomore year, and he doesn't do as well this time:

But then, he has been a little distracted. And he did opt to change his aspirations (My students have a 30% chance of doing so, if they manage to make it to the end of their sophomore year), so he is now Fortune/Knowledge. But his LTW remained to become Hand of Poseidon. Say bye-bye to the hacked telescope, though!

And that, finally, would be all!

Next time: Back to the Home of the Patriarch, where Joy gets hitched, Kirby gets teenified, Rudolph ages up a couple of times, Rupert (Yes, Rupert) has an unfortunate encounter, and...people die? Yes, well, it happens.


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