Hows it going, eh?

May 01, 2005 14:29

Hey Guys,

Yes, I’m still alive, It’s just I’ve been busy with work, going out, skiing, moving and generally having fun. Oh and my laptop died so it was much harder for me to get all my e-mails together to let you all know what I’ve been doing. But I finally have a chance while at work, bored, in Vancouver to let you all know what’s been going on. Firstly, to answer the first question, no I am no longer in Whistler but living in Vancouver, but I’ll get to that later.

Since I last e-mailed all of you, I was still in Whistler, enjoying the night life there. Well nothing changed until early March when I decided that I was starting to get a bit bored in Whistler, luckily help was at hand, as two guys I know from home called Rob and Maca. They both had moved to Vancouver on the same visa as me, so I decided that come the middle of April, I was heading to Vancouver.

My last month in Whistler was phenomenal, the snow was unbelievable, something like 300 cm in 4 weeks! And of course, since I didn’t work for my last week there, I had 6 days in a row of amazing skiing! The partying was just as good, and because of my connections I had made with a lot of the bouncers there was no waiting in lines or paying for clubs for me or my friends, oh and of course, the cheap drinks that came with being a local. Oh and of course, I couldn’t leave without having my final Whistler pick-up…mission accomplished!

I’m not sure if I had mentioned it in my last e-mail, but when Rob and Maca came up to Whistler for a weekend, the Hilltop Hoods were playing, which was fantastic. To quote the Canadians they were “Super Awesome, eh?”. The funny thing was that 90% of the crowd was Australian.

Overall my time in Whistler was fantastic. There was never a day where I regretted coming all the way over here. I made some great friends, had good times and learnt a few things, such as when you try to do a rail and fall off and hit your head, it hurts. I was wearing a helmet though, so I only had a headache rather than a split head. It was brutal. But I do miss Whistler, but am enjoying my time here in Vancouver.

Side note, I speak Canadian now, as seen in the above paragraph when I said brutal. I also say the word “eh” all the time now, which is really annoying. I don’t say aboot…yet. I have been saying awesome a fair bit, like the Canucks, and I go to the washroom and carry around my cell phone. I’m sure there are other words but I’m not really sure what else I say now, I just do it without thinking.

I was lucky when I moved to Vancouver, as the audio visual company I was working with up in Whistler, had it’s main office down in Vancouver, so I just got a transfer. And I’ve been working at least 30 hours a week since I moved down here. It’s fun, easy work really, and as you can see, I get the chance to write my e-mails and chat to people while at work. And because we are all about audio and visual, we have a great sound system in the office for me to plug my iPod into.

Before I came away to Canada, my grandmother gave me the number of friends of her cousins, who are Jewish, and told me to get in contact with them. So when I moved down to Vancouver I rang them and got invited to their place for first night Seder as well as Rob. The night was great, and we spoke to all the other people our age, in which, apart from one of them, were all girls, and we got invited to a big Jewish party the following week. We also got invited to another seder the next night which was nice.

The party was very cool, we got picked up by a friend of ours, Marica, who happens to be the daughter of the family who’s house I went to for second night seder, and taken back to a friend of hers called Sarah. There we had the traditional pre-drinks and other stuff which is very abundant in BC. And then headed out to the party which was at a club in the city.

The party was very similar to the typical AUJS parties, apart from the fact that I knew no one! It was good fun and met plenty of people there. The best thing was that all the girls loved the Aussie accent, at one point I walked up to a group and started speaking to them and they made me say all their names in my accent, so I kinda exaggerated the accent a bit to almost sound like Steve Irwin. We’ve been invited out again next week for a big birthday bash for Sarah.

Last night we went to a place that could probably close down Seven Apples, it was that good. They had over 208 flavours of gelato, including some weird and gross ones, such as Garlic flavour and several variations of Wasabi, including plain Wasabi, or Wasabi and Apple. We plan on going back to try many flavours, I just had Banana Cream Pie, but there are some other interesting flavours, such as Raspberry White Chocolate and Candy Cane!

We also went for the mandatory bike ride through Stanley Park, which is absolutely huge. It was such an amazing day, the sun was shining and it was warm, I even got sun burnt. It was kinda weird though, because it was the first time I had ever felt like a tourist since I left L.A. We took so many photos, it’s not funny, but it was definitely worth it. Speaking of photos, I need to get my laptop finished before I can get my photos up, but trust me, I am working as fast and hard as possible to get it back up and running. I have heaps and heaps of photos to upload, and a few videos as well.

And that’s pretty much it up to the moment. Right now I am sitting in the A/V Office in the Fairmont Waterfront hotel, just chatting and surfing the net. It’s a relatively quiet day so I can take it easy, I just have to be here for 10 hours, which means overtime! I apologise for the email being so long, but I figured I haven’t emailed anyone for almost 2 months, so that’s my excuse. I hope everything is cool back home (wherever that may be).

Oh, I forgot to mention that my plans have once again changed and now I’m thinking of staying on in Vancouver until the end of my visa rather than my original plans of being back home in July. Which, I know, is going to cause a lot of people to be upset, but I’m really enjoying myself here and I figured I need to use up my visa, I only get it once, so why waste it? But hey, it means I get to watch the AFL Grand Final here in Vancouver. Apparently Canada has the biggest following of AFL outside of Australia, probably cos there is so many damn Aussies here! They even have a small league here!

Anyway that’s it for me, hope you all have fun, I miss you all.


Mark Rosenberg
Vancouver, BC, Canada
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