Ok my pretties...

Sep 01, 2006 14:54

Mmm... paaaastries...

Ein bier, bitte!

Goulash. They like their meat and potatoes. And so do I.

But there's always room for Italian in my book. Our first meal together in our new place (well, at least half of us)!

The architecture doesn't cease to stun me.

The church where Mozart's Requime was premiered! What history surrounds me!


The cafe that claims the invention of the famed sachertorte. Mmmmmness.

And the best link of all, because it is just so (deliciously) amusing: we discovered our IES student coordinator is a former underwear model...
And yes. I get to look at this guy on a daily basis :p

Even more pics to come... meine strasse, more desserts, all of that!

Today's excursion was fun - we all successfully ordered coffee and a pastry in German! I got mokka - no not our conception of mocha, but rather more like espresso. Ist sehr gut!

About the audition the other day... I wish I could do it over again, but it's passed. I can take comfort in the fact that my left hand didn't fail me... from a technical standpoint I was secure, but I still have a horrid case of nerves. I was put in front of 60 musicians and consequently, my right hand ran and hid on me... thus my tone and musicality wasn't all know it is. It was pretty frustrating that I couldn't relax enough to enjoy the music and present my best...

But for now I'm trying to enjoy being here. And succeeding! For lunch today I had something that totally redefined the footlong... a hugeass kasekraiser mit brot. Basically, imagine a foot+ long sausage, with cheese in the middle, stuck into a loaf of bread. It's a good thing the U-bahn is a decent walk...

Ah, comfort carbs. One thing I can always find here!


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