daaaaance the night away

May 27, 2011 14:28

★ POST #25 ★
☑ Start a thread with either a topic, an RP or your character journal. You can do this anon or logged in.
☑ Respond ICly using your character journal or anon. Reply as if your character is participating. None of that my mun/your mun/etc. should be there.
☑ NO PERSONAL JOURNALS ALLOWED. If it's spotted, it'll get deleted. No if's, and's or but's.
☑ IC wank/circlejerking/loving = OKAY and encouraged!
☑ OOC/Mun/Player wank/circlejerking = NOT OKAY. Save that for the rp-anonmeme, love memes, etc.
☑ Try not to make multiple threads about the same topic, character, place, etc.
☑ Any OOC comments will be deleted, regardless of the content. If you must, add OOC comments in brackets, parentheses, etc. while retaining the IC comment attached.
☑ Please keep in mind that the meme does not become RP-canon for whichever RP your character is from!

Anonymous = ON. IP logging = OFF. LATEST PAGE

A Facility
Cape and Cowl
Drama Drama Duck

Guys and Dolls
Ink City
Last Voyages
Mayfield RPG
The Posthumans

Queen of Hearts
Reims Academy
Route 29
Siren's Pull
Sortinghat RP
Soul Campaign
Trans 9

Witches Reign
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