Dec 07, 2007 05:02
this s an evening where both the snow and the keyboard sticks. blankets outside and in. another one of those sleepless nights. the cold makes me happy as well. i always come alive this time of year. the sence of community it builds in eveyones surviving(or not) together. the way it makes getting home from work and settling down much more satisfying or the way getting ready to go out wonderful with everyone looking adorable in their winter coats. cigarettes smoked outside by onesself while its snowing always seemed more, oh i dont know, important or poetic or god who knows at the very least prettier.
i watched a three year old discover static electricity today. the giggling was much more cute and heart warming than id like to admit.
one more point of intrest is that i am shocked how happy i have been these past few months. i do not remember being this consistantly happy in years. there are still the same old (epic in my own mind) things that will probably always haunt/annoy/entertain when bored in the grocery store line me. but for the most part...things are good. im happy. im at peace with having moved back. nay...i now know i made the right decision.
to those in wisconsin. the snow only reminds me further how much i miss you all and yes inspite of the fight you became my hometown. i am sorry for the lack of a return. transmissions get the better of us all now and than and once i regain traveling capibilites i will come to collect whats rightfully annoying (my things + your house) if you doubt my motivation...all my winter coats/gloves are up there. im thinking about renting a truck.
other than that...there are some friends around here need and want dearly to get back into the habit of hanging out with regularly. hopefully you know who you are and if not you will get a call very soon.
another useless promise to write more,
my own private narniah