Apr 25, 2005 11:40
ash's movie night was a fun time, even though i was pretty tired from the baseball game i had just come from (heck yes we won). thanks to a lot of old spice (pacific rush, maybe?) i don't think i smelled too bad-- nobody made anygagging reflexes or avoided me (that i could see)-- thanks guys.
i met liz for the first time. cool liz is more like it. she's a witty one, so watch out; who else could pull off the green matching socks, jacket, and tee shirt? nice liz, nice.
steffon and wendy were having life savers fights; not the yummy soft ones, but the hard, not so amazing ones. coconut = bleh.
last fall at a 5th quarter at my church i met leah and we hung out most of that night, but i didn't really remember her once we both went home. so yeah, leah was at the movie night too but i didn't recognize her until she pointed out our previous meeting. i was amazed she remembered me and we talked a little bit, but she seemed mostly comatose that night and oblivious to the outside world once her bf called.
i met this girl named jillian. didn't really talk, but she seemed nice enough, i guess. she left really early so she's still anonymous as far as i'm concerned.
of course ashleigh was there, too. she wanted my hot, jockish body haha. jk. she looked pretty good too in these hot heels that matched her belt.i talked to her most of the night b/c she's just cool like that. duh lol. that is, until Cocoa came and wanted to take part ownership of me. he's cool-- for a yappy dog.
i don't think we ever watched a movie, but the pizza was really good and i ate a lot b/c i hadn't eaten since lunch and it was like 1045pm. some people just ate and left, but i was hardcore and stayed until like 1230. i think i was the last person to leave who didn't spend the night. go me.
once i did leave, when i finally said goodbye to ashleigh after standing outside for about 10 minutes, i wonder what cool liz, comatose leah (who was cool too, by the way, when not comatose), and ______ashleigh had to say about awesome david after i left. hrmmm.
good day world *brittney kenndedy back of throat hiss/cough*