Are you sure that America is Obese?

May 29, 2009 14:17

No really...what's the deal?
I go online to my favorite store and find a cute top. Me and my giddy self hit the select size button, and get smacked in the face with XL and XXL! What?? And so I thought ok, maybe it's just this one top that average sized people are obsessed over...but no! 75% of the tops and dresses I browsed through ( and i browsed through them all), were either in XS, XL, or XXL! Now, here I am, a plain old Medium...and I can't seem to find anything to wear?!
Type your cut contents here. Isn't that supposed to be someone else's problem? Cuz you know, clothes are never made to fit the growing population of America...where in the world have all these so called "obese" people gone?
According to the CDC, from 2003-2004,
  • Percent of noninstitutionalized adults age 20 years and over who are overweight or obese: 66%
  • Percent of noninstitutionalized adults age 20 years and over who are obese: 32%
  • Percent of adolescents age 12-19 years who are overweight: 17%
  • Percent of children age 6-11 years who are overweight: 19%
So the majority of the people about 6 years ago were overweight or obese...1 in 5 American 4 year-old is obese!
So where are they all? No matter where I go, I consistently see average, or even underweight, adults. Teenagers are hell bent on being "skinny", parents are freaking out about their kids being "fat"...OBGYNs are informing pregnent women that they don't need to literally "eat for 2" have the statistics changed?
I don't know...but they should have. I do see some morbidly obese folks now and then. But seriously, I think we as a population have realized that life is literally to short to be out of shape.
I'm thinking we'll see positive change in the 2010 least related to weight anyway.

So as I was saying, there's nothing to wear! I mean I saw this cute dress online and so I went to the store to get it, in hopes of saving myself some shipping...and what do I see there? There were 6 colors total....1 had only 3 XXLs, 1 had many Larges, the 3 ugly colors had various sizes, and 1 color was just plain gone! I tried on one of the Larges in an attempt to have some hope...everything was fine until I turnded around and saw that the extra fabric made my butt look huge! And so so annoyed and dissapointed, I go home thinking ok...I'll buy it online. And what to do see? The ones that were in my size until yesterday, now say "this item will ship in 2-6 weeks!"
In the spirit of XXL^^^

Anyway, wish me luck...maybe in 2-6 weeks, I'll be able to walk around looking great. o.O
No Offense was meant towards anyone.


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