Since the moment I spotted you, I've walked around with little wings on my shoes.

Dec 03, 2005 12:40

Thanksgiving break gave me motivation for the rest of the school year. Maybe. Actually, I think it just made me want the semester to be finished already. I spent break in Gatlinburg, like always. It was so nice to have a few days without school, homework, and stupid high school drama. We spent the week just chilling out. Thursday Brent came down with my cousin and that was great. I actually got to see him for a few days in a row. We shopped at midnight on Thursday and it was so crowded it was insane, but I loved it. I only bought things in Knoxville though, but I think I did pretty good for myself. Suprisingly enough, I didn't really eat that much over Thanksgiving. I expected to really pig out, but I didn't do nearly as much eating as I had suspected. The biggest news came on Friday morning, when we found out my cousin Josh had proposed to his girlfriend that morning. Her ring is a rock.

As far as everything else goes, I'm pretty happy. Drama class is a little boring right now, but it tends to be that way after competition. English makes me want to jump off a cliff. It has to file under the most boring class ever. Stastics actually makes me happy, but then again I'm one of those math freak type people. Pre-cal is just there. I love the people in my class, but the actual material isn't that riveting.

Brent and I are doing wonderful. I just wish I got to see him more than I do now, but as they say, distance makes the heart grow fonder. That was probably the corniest thing I've ever written on here, wow.

I've thought a lot about graduation lately, and I honestly don't know if it will make me sad. I know that I'll talk to the people that matter to me and past that, it's really nothing to me. I just think it will be interesting to see what comes of our class. I wonder if we will have any doctors or lawyers or bums for that matter, but who knows. As much competition as we have in our class, one would suspect great things.

Now back to reality, I suppose I'm done for the day.
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