Вот подумала, что выложу на сайт список магазинов, хоть и не по-русски. Дело в том, что купить что-то вегетарианское, натуральное тут довольно сложно. Я проделала некоторую работу и нашла всякие такие полезные места, разослала всяким знакомым. И чтобы не пропало, выложу тут. Вдруг кому пригодится?
Starting from Saturday 9th April you can find the Mercado Organico in the Boulevard Parque Arauco 10 AM-9 PM.
there is an organic market every Saturday in Vitacura - near Casa Piedra, and also Wednesdays (but at another address).
http://mercadorganico.wordpress.com/ It is surprisingly small - I talked to owner and she explained me that the concept of organic food is very new, so they are just starting.I I also but fresh fruits, eggs, yogurt and vegetables from the same farmers, but they can deliver on Tuesday and Thursday at your home
There is another Marker on Saturdays as well at La Reina
Aldea del Encuentro: Av. Larraín 9750
http://www.ecoferia.cl/site/ Ecotienda
Fair-trade grocery, organic wine, on-line store
Irarrazaval 1556, tel. 209 2169
Email: ecotiendaschile@gmail.com
El Arbol
vegeterian café and restaurant, grocery store, Natural Café and Tea.
Huelen 74, Providencia (3 min from metro Salvador)
tel. 235 08 22
Planta Maestra
Manueal Montt 187, Providencia (metro Manuel Montt)
Pdte. Riesco 3198, Las Condes
Tel: 2 946 5527
Email: contacto@plantamaestra.cl
Pachamama Omm - Santiago
Av. Las Hualtatas 8121, Vitacura, las Condes
Tel: 56 02 2248984
and Cel: 92008757
Email: info@pachamamaomm.cl
Natural groceries and cosmetics.
La Fraternal
Holanda 3362, Nunoa
tel. 9 863 3086
Mon-Sat 8.30am-8.30 pm
Yoga, organic and vegeterial food.