Jul 05, 2012 02:59
Because it's been a while since I watched anything, I watched Dog Days and Guilty Crown the past few days. Marathon style, whee.
It's 3 AM, and I do have work in a few hours and really ought to be in bed.
Dog Days was amusing, silly, but not much more than that. I was kinda hoping there'd be more catgirls. Was not the case, unfortunately. Light harem situation, but that's pretty much it. It's adorable how they wage "wars" - apparently there's some sort of magic field in place, so wars are non-lethal - getting "killed" turns you into a ball. A squishy, bouncy ball with dog ears and tail. And there's some sort of scoring system to determine who wins the war. Silly, but I think we should try adopting it as the way we do wars on this Earth. Probably won't watch again, although a second season is coming out, and I suspect I'll watch it for the heck of it.
Guilty Crown was.... well, it was shiny. That's about it. I hated the main character ("Help, I can't decide if I'm going to be a wimp or actually have a spine or try being evil!"), the plot was terrible (let's add all the plot twists we can!). It felt like they were trying to take all the good things from other series and cram it into one to see if it would work. (Hint: It doesn't.) Series not recommended. If I wasn't watching it at about 3-4x, I probably would have given up a lot earlier.
And now, sleepytime.