Trac: Integrated SCM & Project Management thingie

Feb 18, 2007 14:48

Found this thing called Trac [ ]. Looks spiffy. Got it installed after about 3 hours of mussing around on windows XP.

Note: I already had Apache 2.0 installed, along with svn 1.4.[something?].

Installed Python 2.4.4.
Discovered that it was conflicting with XAMPP's outdated python install that I had forced onto the system. Whoops.
Discovered that it didn't set my path for me. Bah. Path set (My Computer > Properties > Advanced > Environment Variables). Modified PATH to include C:\Python24. Added a PYTHONPATH=C:\Python24\. Probably not necessary.
Installed trac 0.10.3 using the binary installer/executable.
Installed pysqlite-2.3.2.win32-py2.4.exe.
Installed svn-python-1.4.2.win32-py24.exe.
Installed mod_pythong-3.3.1.win32-py24.exe.
Installed clearsilver-0.9.14.win32-py24.exe.

Added to httpd.conf: LoadModule python_module modules/

SetHandler mod_python
PythonHandler trac.web-modpythong_frontend
PythonOption TracEnv "C:\Pythong24\Scripts\trac\highbrow"
PythonOption TracUriRoot /some/location

Discovered that I couldn't view sources. Was annoyed.
Installed enscript-1.6.3-9-bin.exe
Installed docutils.
Installed SilverCity-0.9.7win32-py24.exe.

Modified trac.ini (in C:\Python24\Scripts\trac\[project]\conf):
enscript_path = "C:\Program Files\GnuWin32\bin\enscript.exe"
php_path = "C:\Program Files\xampp\php\php.exe"
tab_width = 4

So I now have trac working. It's pretty. Yayness.

The alternative would have been ViewCV, which livejournal uses. Doesn't include the bug ticket support, extra wiki, milestones, etc, though. But I imagine it would have been easier to install. Although 3 hours isn't too bad...

geeky, technology, trac, svn

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