Ah, a sophisticated distributed DoS~

May 03, 2006 13:00

As posted in lj_maintenance, as well as status
Network issues

Since approximately 4:00 pm Pacific Daylight Time, Six Apart has been the victim of a sophisticated distributed denial of service attack. This has affected all of Six Apart's sites, causing intermittent and limited availability for LiveJournal, Typepad, TypeKey, sixapart.com, movabletype.org, movabletype.com as well as status.livejournal.org. Our network operations staff is working around the clock with our Internet access providers to resolve the issue. We appreciate your patience and support, and will provide updates as we have them.

Currently access and availability to our sites has improved. We continue to work closely with our Internet access providers and will monitor the situation through the night.

We appreciate your patience and support, and will provide updates as we have them.

Yes, that would explain why I was unable to procrastinate properly with livejournal last night.


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