In case any of you don't have DD's blog feed syndicated to your livejournal:
She is considering writing the third book in the cat wizards series, The Big Meow, but she needs our input!
To summarize: it would be "publication on demand", which would mean...
...a "trade paperback" perfect-bound copy of The Big Meow is going to cost you hardcover prices, not paperback. If I'm to make any money at all on the deal (by which I mean, at least recoup my publishing and labor expenses), you're going to be paying $20-25 for a copy of this book.
Would you?
If you would, drop me an email at this address:
thebigmeow_a t_youngwizards_do t_com
- via
>> Original post by D.D. - you should read this, if you plan on including a message.
e-mail sent. Hell, I went ahead and mentioned that I would even be willing to pay in advance. XD