Feb 23, 2007 01:12
> However... my question still stands....what field
> should one choose now days that won't obsolete itself in
> a few years?
Just look at the society in which we live. Wealth concentration is
steadily increasing, population as a whole is aging (female population
even more so than male population), gender gap in earnings is gradually
closing (although it is by no means closed), and obesity becomes more
prevalent. So if you want to remain in high demand, you need to be in
a field that has something to offer to the super-rich, the elderly
(especially if you can get the government to pay for it), working women
(especially executives and professionals, who tend to have high
disposable income and appreciate things that save their time and make
their lives less complicated), and/or the overweight. Whether it means
you need to start a private island brokerage, operate a retirement
community, open a 24-hour women's-only gym in an office park, or become
a bariatric surgeon is entirely up to you...