5. Which of these best describes your annual income (in SGD) range? 40K - 50K
6. Estimate number of years you have been using the internet. 8 years
7. Estimate daily usage of the internet. 5 hours / day
8. Type of internet connection? 512K Broadband
9. How much time do you spend on internet shopping a week? 6 hours / week
10. How you ever bought a product/service online? YES
11. If "yes", what is the frequency of your internet purchases? A few times a month
12. On a scale of 1 to 5, (1) being least convenient and (5) being much more convenient, do you feel that shopping online makes shopping more convenient for you? 4
13. Why will you shop online? Availability of non-local merchandise Convenience Ease of Payment Merchandise Variety No Sales Pressure Price
14. Why will you NOT shop online? Fear of abuse of personal information Insecure online credit card transactions Lack of product information Product not delivered Transaction charges are too high Unreliable sellers
2. Age
3. Marital Status
4. Highest Education Level
Technical Sch / Poly Graduate
5. Which of these best describes your annual income (in SGD) range?
40K - 50K
6. Estimate number of years you have been using the internet.
8 years
7. Estimate daily usage of the internet.
5 hours / day
8. Type of internet connection?
512K Broadband
9. How much time do you spend on internet shopping a week?
6 hours / week
10. How you ever bought a product/service online?
11. If "yes", what is the frequency of your internet purchases?
A few times a month
12. On a scale of 1 to 5, (1) being least convenient and (5) being much more convenient, do you feel that shopping online makes shopping more convenient for you?
13. Why will you shop online?
Availability of non-local merchandise
Ease of Payment
Merchandise Variety
No Sales Pressure
14. Why will you NOT shop online?
Fear of abuse of personal information
Insecure online credit card transactions
Lack of product information
Product not delivered
Transaction charges are too high
Unreliable sellers
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