I'm so so so so so so so so so so tired of this place.
I'm so so so so so so so so so so tired of this feeling.
I'm so so so so so so so so so so tired of everybody.
I'm getting sick. Sick of people sick of facades and not saying what we really feel and sick of talking like nobody hears a word I fucking say so you can all just go fuck an animal for all I care.
Guess what, I don't care what you want anymore. I don't have time to give a shit about you. I don't have the shit left to give, you're full of it already, why should I give more?
I want the whole world to disappear. I've been severely discouraged. I can't even think about functioning like a normal human being, let alone what I'm supposed to be.
You're all so goddamn depressing.
And those of you I actually enjoy can't seem to spare me five minutes over the rest of the world, so whatever.
You're so fixated on allllllll the things that just DON'TDON'TDON'TDON'TMATTTTTTERRRRRRRRRR.
Pull your head out of your ass, eh? Save us the bitching about how all you see is bullshit.
You say you want money, girls, friends, answers, well you can start by going ahead and fucking yourself because it'll get you closer than any of your BITCHING will. You call me a whiny little bitch when you can't seem to shut your own mouth? I have my own problems, I don't need YOU fuckers adding to it by calling me a FAKEFRAUDWHATEVER. If you need something to make you feel better about yourself, then don't use putting me down as a solution.
Last I checked we were still human, though I can't seem to tell the difference between the rest of the world and slimy fucking roaches.
Well, guess what?
I'm sick of having a heart and feeling and all sorts of otherlkjerlkajsf;lkajsdf;lk BULLSHIT.
Do you know that if RIGHT THIS MOMENT I were to hear one of you died I wouldn't feel a SHRED of remorse for a good ten minutes?
I really forgot to care that you hate me this time.
Guess what? In two years I'll be out of this steaming shitpile for the rest of my fucking life while you all rot in your own piss.
I'll be laughing when your 'friends' you so casually regard so much higher than me won't show enough care to bury your ass in the shit you stand on when you die.
And I'll be laughing when it turns out a pretty face won't get you much more than an STD from the girl who was too cute to ever look at me.
Go fuck yourselves, world. I hope you all die soon and painfully, every last one of you ungrateful heartless assfucks. :]