Apr 12, 2005 02:21
Instead of paper-writing for that lovely book review (I thought I graduated elementary school already?) for Evolution, I am enhancing the internet with my daily activities and random thoughts:
1. I really like seniority - I totally bumped everyone off the Starbucks schedule this weekend. I got 8 hours on Sunday and another 6 today by taking all the hours I could, with the exception of the manager (the only one higher than me). I am an ass, but I need booze monies. This made several people unhappy, people who had to be checkers today; they actually came over to Starbucks to complain and try to guilt me into not doing it again next weekend. Unfortunately, they never worked with me before and did not realize that TOM HAS NO EMOTIONS!!! HAHAHAHA!!! Poor kids never new what hit them.
2. I really, really do not like writing book reviews. It is a futile endevour; if you want to know what a book is about, read the damn thing mother fucker!
3. Affogato-style frappuccinos are the shit. It is really indescribable, you must experience this taste sensation NOW!!! GO FORTH AND BE A CONSUMER WHORE LIKE ME!!!
4. I smell like fried chicken.
5. My schedule for next semester is still retarted. Hopefully Kohn will straighten everything out.
6. I am watching Children of Dune (again) this weekend. Let's hear it for mini-series month!!!
7. Your mom.
8. I need to move my car away from the dumpster ASAP.
9. [This point intentionally left blank]
10. Why the fuck thought it was a good idea to take a three lane turnpike and turn it into one lane? Some ass from PA, that's who!!! I have disdain for this state.
Maybe I will continue writing this paper, maybe not? I have not decided.