This morning I woke up and felt like total shit. I wanted to die. I was late for school, the rag was gettin me down, and I wanted to scream and yell and hit things. A lot. I made my Mom listen to Exhumed in the car this morning, and when she tried to say something about it, I put my hand up and told her to shut up and leave it. She understood.
Got stoned this morning too. It made me feel better. That was my first time getting stoned before school though. Tony is nice, but I don't know if I'll ever talk to him again.
My high went away in Art, and I knew right then that I wanted to go home. I sat through Biology though, and my MA showed up at lunch. She took Kali and I out to Jack in the Box, and I got switched out of PE to Drama which is really exciting for me. He let me take the more advanced drama cuz I had been in it before...woooo! Drama is very fun. I know Ima dork, but acting and music are my life. So sue me.
Oh yeah about this movie. There was this 16 year old couple having an argument in the car, and she told him to pull over, and started yelling at him about how stupid he was, and then apologized, and said she was mad because she was pregnant, and told him it wasn't his, which meant she was sleeping around which really pissed this guy off. So they make up and have sex, and they are in the snow right? So the wheels get all slippery and they can't get out. So they jack up the car, and it didn't work, so he tossed it in the snow. She was complaining and making comments, and he slapped her. Right in the face. She gets PISSED, and goes after him with a crobar, and tries to hit him across the face but misses, and he pushes her and she lands face first onto the jack, killing her instantly. EEEW.
So my Mom goes "Stupid little bitch deserved what she got", and i go..."So Mom...if some bastard hit me, and i tried to kick his ass, and I ended up dead...would you call ME a stupid little bitch and say I got what I deserved????" and she just kind of turned her head back to the movie and said....""
I dunno..that was just interesting to me. If you want to watch this weird ass movie it's called "Before and After"