May 01, 2007 23:57

It would appear that abscence does not make the heart grow fonder, for I still have a grand total of two members/watchers. Regardless--I'm back.

In the off time, I've gotten into Naruto and Death Note, the first of which is totally stupid but contains fat boy love and the second of which is genius but TOO MANY AWESOME PEOPLE DIE ARGH. *cries* And I'm yet again bitten by the fic bug. Many of them. A veritable swarm. I have the following fics going at the moment:

1. A birthday giftfic, Plot Whut Plot?; Tonker/Lofty (MonReg), NC-17.
2. "ONE HUNDRED PERCENT." Psychological, socially inept smut; Light/L (Death Note), R/NC-17.
3. "PUT IT IN THE GROUND." [tentative title] Twisted funeral fluff; Ide/Matsuda (Death Note), PG.
4. Midwinter hot choc; Shikamaru/Chouji (Naruto), PG.
5. Cloudwatching; Shikamaru/Chouji (Naruto), PG-13(?).
6. "MISPLACED PRIORITIES." [tentative title] Ministry magic and a bloody nose; Percy/Oliver (Harry Potter), PG-13.
7. "AT STAKE." Lesbian vampires of Borogravia, and a witch hunt; Tonker/Lofty, Crowley/Aziraphale, Polly/Mal, &c. (MonReg/Good Omens cross), PG-13. Multi-part. On temporary hiatus as beta is unavailable. Still writing, still plotting.

As far as my other multi-parts, they will hopefully be up and running again soon. I may do another Death Note (probably more smut) and possibly a Todd/Kurt (X-Men: Evo) soon. Comments, &c. always welcome.

Those of you who read, I adore you; those of you who don't, start and I will bake you intercookies.

Off to update profile and write pr0ns. Hurrah . . . ?

modly shite

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