Jul 15, 2005 20:00

So yeah.. been a while since I posted anything of any importance


About 2 weeks ago i started Driving school and this past Tuesday i finished. i didn't even have to take the final exam because I had a 97 percent avg. in the class. so that was awsome.

Also, my mom, whilw I was in driving school, went to a local McDonald's and got me an applicatioN and filled it out for me. I was like WHOA! WHAT HOURS DID YOU SIGN ME UP FOR BECAUSE IF YOU DIDN'T HEAR ME THE FIRST 50 TIMES I SAID IT. I AM GOING TO BE A OFFICER AND DRUM MAJOR. I DON'T HAVE ALOT OF TIME TO COMMIT TO ANYTHING ELSE. but she didn't care. She think's that a job is the only thing that is going to get you into college. I don't even think that she wants me to go to college. She doesn't respect the fact that i want to be a music educator. WHATEVER. she siagned me up. then she made ME go and give them the application. I didn't even read it. the worst thing is the fact that my sister knew and i didn't. How grown up of you. to go behind my back and talk to your daughter about it. insted of trying to cooperate with me and sit down with me and fill out the application TOGETHER.

WELL ANYWAY. they taold me to come back on tuesday to do an interview. so my mom made me get all spruced up. I did. Then i went up to the McDonald's for the interview. then when I got there they said that the manager and owner were not there and to come back on friday at 10a.m. I was like. why would you tell me to come on tuesday in the first place. Then i was like whatever. i will come back.

Then on Wensday. McCracken planed on having an Officer's meeting at her house to get the marching folders together. I went. it was cool seeing how many people we are going to be getting. and also to get my music early. SO ALL BAND STUDENTS. YOUR MARCHING MUSIC IS COMMING. MARCHING BAND IS GOING TO BE STARTING SOON.

Then came today. i went back up to the McDonald's and they had me fill out the application again for some reason. I did. Then they told me that i just needed to come back on Tuesday at 10:30 a.m. for orientation and to bring 2 forms of I.D.. so yeah. I work at McDonald's.

then after that. i went up to the MVA to take the Permit test. I swear the permit test was the easiest part of the process. i was in there from like 12:00a.m. to 5:00p.m. It took me 7 min. to take the test. I PASSES!!! but it took forever to do though. THE PROCESS SUCKS! whatever.

well. next up is Drum major camp. I am going to be getting my mace on the Monday after next. I CAN'T WAIT! I am so excited for Drum Major camp. It is gonna be fun. i know it.

well that is it kiddies. till next time. c ya.
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