Oct 17, 2005 19:02
so guess what? I don't want to do my homework. I just finished the first in a series of three ads inspired by iPod. I'm doing spongebob Squarepants band-aids. I cam up with the tag line "spongebob squarepants + BAND-AID, because boo-boos don't have to be boring" and a fireman is wearing a spongebob band-aid on his face, it's way too cute.
I have to do stupid brochures for corporate communications, and I just don't want to do them. I'm sick of homework, and it's only monday, something has to be wrong with this picture.
The bookstore was out of black matte board today, how does the supply store run out of supplies? I think I cursed and stormed out of the store, thankfully Kim M had two spare pieces she loaned me. Kimmy and I went to the art store after class where I spent 12 dollars too many.