Aug 01, 2005 23:32
yeah it's been a friggin while since I've updated this bitch. I bet you all thought I was dead, well except those of you I see on a regular basis in person.
This is the last week of school, thank god. Kim, Kari and I gave our presentation on the Model T Ford this morning in physics, it well. Andrea's class was tres boring, we had our final exam, final projects are due next monday. I had a meeting with Michael Goldberg, it went very well, but apparently there is a rumor flying around that I'm the complainer on campus, oh fucking well, the squeaky wheel gets the grease right?
So Kim got me addicted to this new crazy black eyed peas song. "what you gonna do with all those breasts, all those breasts inside that shirt?" The lyrics are so crazy, but the song makes me giggle, so what the hell.
Chris and I spent Saturday in York Maine with his family at their cottage on the beach. It was a beautiful day, and his family cracks me up. Angela almost took his eye out on the way up because he slammed on the brakes to wake her up. I thought it was funny, but he put his cranky pants on, so I guess he didn't find it very amusing. We're going to Florida in about two weeks, very very exciting. We're buying out plane tickets this weekend because we're cool cats like that.
Kim's computer died, then it came back to life. I tell you its like a friggin episode of days of our lives, "oh iBook please wake up, I didn't mean those awful things I said about you. You're my child, I gave birth to you!"
I think I'm off to watch a few episode of the fabulous Sex and the City girls on OnDemand.
Tune in next week for another exciting episode of Apples of our Lives. (yeah I know that was fruity, don't mind the pun)
Oh, and Kim, what the heck is up with your new LJ icon??? Love you muffin!!!
end of semester rant