
Apr 24, 2007 09:39

I'll skip the snappy dialogue this time and get right to heart of what has been going on in my life:

I landed a job forking for FedEx-Kinko's. When I applied I also took the management aptitude test and my score plus my Bachelor's Degree made me attractive to management. The same day I interviewed they hired me. In fact, the manager called me less than an hour after the interview. Right now I am doing projects in production...basically print shop type stuff...they have promised me they are going to train me all over the store and then move me up the food chain into management. The managers there have told me they want me to manage one of the new stores that will open up in the area within the next year. The store managers promised a salary of over $40,000 a year when that happens...as for now, I am making enough money to meet all my bills and other financial obligations. After six years of working in the security industry and getting treated like dog shit, however, I have grown cynical about any promises made by management.

I like the job, for now.

The thesis is pretty much done. I haven't submitted it to my committee, yet. I have until tomorrow, technically speaking. My thesis defense is scheduled for 8 am on Wednesday, May 9th...anyone foolish or brave enough to attend my thesis defense is more than welcome to; just give me a call or leave a message and I will give you directions.

I am sick of school. I am ready to chuck this thesis out the window...a good sign that I am done.
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