Mar 13, 2006 15:16
That's right boys and girls, gather 'round, it's time for Justin to vent some anger.
So last year I was in Before Calc BC (the middle level of pre-calc). Admittedly I did not do so well in the class, I believe I passed with a very low C. This was not due so much to a lack of understanding so much as a lack of effort. There was some of the curriculum that I did not fully grasp, but the poor grade came as a result of doing half of the assignments or so. During mayterm, when it was being decided who was going to be put in what math class, Ms. Van Ligten (my teacher at the time) asked me if I wanted to try Calc BC (again the middle level). I, of course, responded that I very much wanted to.
When this year rolled around, I learned that I was in Calc AB. I figured this was a mistake and went to Mr. Pedersen to discuss moving up into Calc BC. He said that he would only boost me if I could sustain an A in his class. This essentially meant that no, in fact, I could not move up. It is my own personal, probably un-founded, belief that Mr. Pedersen believes that if someone moves up out of his class that they believe they are too good for him. Regardless of whether this is case or not, it is nigh impossible to advance from a Pedersen class for two reasons.
The first reason is that he teaches general concepts and assigns homework over general concepts and then tests details. This makes very difficult to do well on his tests. He also times the sections of his tests and requires an unnecessary amount of work for one to receive full credit. The result of these two elements leads to tests that would require someone of Olympic stature to receive an A.
The second reason that it is next to impossible to advance from a Pedersen class is because of the difference in curricula between his class and that of the class one step higher. By the time one has sustained an A for an amount of time to sufficiently satisfy him, the class above is already a chapter-and-a-half ahead. This means that even if one does manage to learn the ropes, so to speak, and maintain an A in Pedersen's class, they will be so far behind the class that the catch-up will be next to impossible in and of itself.
So the fact that I was stuck in Calc AB was kind of a nuisance, but manageable. I could always learn the rest of the material on my own time. So I went along doing my thing for just about the entire year until today. Today, I went to speak with Mrs. O'Keefe about colleges and whatnot. This led to standardized tests including the AP's. She asked which I was planning on taking and said I would very much like to take the AP Calc BC and learn the rest of the required material from a student, even though I was only in AP Calc AB. She thought this was a fantastic idea and suggested that I talk to Pedersen about perhaps joining his study groups or asking him for some tips or advice on how to prepare for such an exam. I was a bit reluctant to confront him about this given his previous reactions to similar suggestions. I resolved to, rather than ask him if I should, tell him that I was going to take the AP Calc BC and ask him for his help, figuring he would be supportive in my desire to further my education.
So I went to class and sat in anticipation through the whole class, trying to imagine how the conversation would transpire. I figured he would feel that this would not be a good idea but, as it was my decision, would agree to support in whatever way I required. As one can imagine, class went by very slowly. Finally it was over and I went up to tell him and before I could even finish my sentence he cut me off. He actually told me that I was, in fact, not going to take the BC test as, regardless of how well I did, it would not be an accurate representation of what I had learned in AP Calc AB. I tried to offer the suggestion that I was already planning on catching up with one of the BC kids and again he cut me off telling me that I was not going to and that I was not prepared at all for the BC test.
At this point I walked out of the room. Needless to say, I was very angry with him. As far as I am concerned, given his lack of support, and his persistent, and very unprofessional I might add, interruptions he has lost what little respect I had left for him.
So that's the main reason for why I'm having such a bad day.
Also, I don't know why, but I didn't get any sleep at all last night. I stayed up for the entire night without doing anything productive. I have no idea why. I was supposed to have a Physics Midterm (thankfully it was pushed back 'til tomorrow) which I didn't study for, even though I stayed up the whole night. That felt pretty shitty. I was planning on taking a nap now, but thanks to Pedersen, I doubt if I'd be able to get to sleep.
And finally, I miss Brittany more than I think I ever have. I miss you so much.
I apologize for all the emo, egotism, and drama-queen in this post, but I feel entitled to be emo, egotistical, and a drama-queen once in a while.
On the plus side, the weekend wasn't so bad. Our team placed second in the Mystery Themed Weekend overall and won a big cake for being the group to solve the mystery the closest. Then, in Quiztacular, our team won 1st place giving us a $100 gift certificate to Slope's in Presque Isle. If I weren't so angry, I would w00t!
After the Themed Weekend, The Murder Weapon put on a terrific show at no expense to the students (thank you Parents Group!) and I bought my first band shirt. $10 and well-worth it.
So yeah, there's my post. I am truly sorry if I have ruined anyone's day with this.