Jan 11, 2010 23:12
2010 begins with a busy season tax internship for a public accounting firm located 2 and a 1/2 hours away from what I have learned to call home over the past four and a half years. During my spare time, if I can find any, I will be researching and writing a 25-page research paper on the effects of FIN 48 on local business surrounding the Grand Rapids area; I will be doing this in order to complete my last requirement as an undergraduate student. The hope is that shortly after the tax busy season ends, I will walk across the graduation stage in cap and gown with an "Honors College" sash around my neck. In other words, 2010 is about to shape up to be a big year for me.
I have a feeling it will be big for me in a few other ways as well. I was fortunate to have an internship with a public accounting firm in Grand Rapids during the last busy season where I worked on both tax and audit. The experience in itself was amazing. Don't get me wrong; it was exhausting, mind-boggling, frustrating, confusing, and discouraging at times, but I was surrounded by great staff. I networked with amiable professionals and I learned a lot about both public accounting and about myself.
As a result, I am entering 2010 with a little bit steadier footing. I have recognized some areas of weakness that I hope to eliminate during this second go around. I am shifting from focus from the social to technical aspect of public accounting, while not forgetting the importance of the former in the profession. My goal is to really identify was in which I can add value. Business jargon, really. Very important business jargon.
I have worked, over the past year, to develop true friendships with people with whom I genuinely enjoy spending time (that is not to say that I have also failed to maintain friendships with people with whom I genuinely enjoy spending time, for that is also a sad, though inevitable truth in some cases); regardless, I am thankful for my "support team" as I have dubbed them.
More to come later...