I Love Spoilers Especially Ones Like These

Aug 21, 2006 02:43

Well I posted these spoilers at the message boards a few days ago but I am finally posting these here on my LJ too.

The episode is called "Simon Says".

Sam is in the Impala talking to Dean, expressing his concerns that he might be a killer. Sam says, “The demon said he had plans for me, and children like me. “ Dean says, “Yeah…?” Sam replies, “Maybe this is the plan. Maybe we are all a bunch of psychic freaks. Maybe we’re all supposed to be…” Dean says, “What, killers? Gimme a break. You’re not a killer, Sam.” Sam says he kills all kind of things, but Dean tells him that those things were asking for it. Sam doesn’t respond. He is watching a man named, Andy Gillette. Andy is leaving the house of a woman. As he is walking down the street, a businessman gives his coffee to Andy. Dean looks at Sam. This wasn’t the person they were expecting at all.

A man named Dr. Jennings, emerges from a building and greets Andy as if they are old friends. Sam says that the doctor is the one from his visions. Dean says to follow him, and he will watch Andy. Dean follows Andy. He watches as a woman steps out of her apartment building lobby. Andy taps her on the shoulder, and asks her a question. She takes his hand and leads him into her apartment. Dean stares with a mixture of ick and awe. Sam continues following the doctor. Sam crosses the street, as traffic beeps and swerves. Dean waits for Andy to exit the apartment. Andy walks up to him and admires the car. Andy says, “ ’67 was the Impala’s best year, you ask me. A serious classic.” Dean says, “Yeah. Just rebuilt it too. Took near forever, but you can’t let a car like this go.” Andy then asks if he can have it. Dean says “Sure, man.” He then promptly hands over the keys. Obviously Andy has powers where he can make people do whatever he tells them to do. It is what I figured this episode to be about since the title is “Simon Says.” In that game, people do what you say as long as you say “Simon Says.”

Sam continues to follow the doctor. He sees him hang up a payphone and swoon like he did in his vision. Sam reacts to the scream of a child that had a balloon that flew up into the air. Obviously this was part of Sam’s vision as well. Sam races to beat the doctor to the hardware store. Sam goes into the hardware store and sees the customers from his vision. Sam pulls a knife from his pocket and cuts the alarm wire, causing the alarm to go off. Sam is using this technique to try to stop whatever he saw in his vision from happening to the doctor. Sam leaves the store, and almost collides with the doctor. The doctor continues walking down the street and Sam is relieved by this. Sam hears music blasting, and looks up to see the Impala cruising down the street with Andy behind the wheel on a cellphone as he drives. The script says, Sam reacts-WTF? That part strikes me as really funny.

The next scene is Sam and Dean on a stakeout. They are in the Impala, so they got it back. At this point, the doctor is dead. So Sam might have saved him the first time, but he was killed anyway. Sam says, “What I don’t get is the motive. I mean, the doctor’s squeaky clean. Why would Andy waste him?” Dean says, “If it is Andy-“ Sam says, “Dude, enough.” Dean asks, “What?” Sam says, “Doctor was mind-controlled in front of a bus. Andy just happens to have the power of mind control. You do the math.” Dean is described as unexpectedly upset. He says, “It’s just…you can’t be right about this…okay?” Sam says, “What is that supposed to mean?” Dean says, “The guy’s gotta be innocent. He’s gotta be. That’s all there is to it--.” Dean is either being mind controlled to say the guy is innocent, because Andy is standing just outside the car window. It could be though, that he wants the guy to be innocent because he doesn’t want to think that Sam could ever be like Andy and hurt people. Andy knocks at the window. He wants to know why they are following him. Sam says, “We’re lawyers. A relative of yours has-“ Andy demands them to tell the truth. Dean blurts out that they hunt demons, Sam is shocked by this. Dean continues to tell Andy about the things they hunt. Dean introduces Sam as his brother. Sam tells Dean to shut up. Dean says he is trying. Dean says, “He’s psychic. Like you-well not like you, but-He thinks you’re a murderer, and he’s afraid he’ll become one too--. Sam starts listening to what Dean has to say instead of telling him to be quiet. The scripts says, after all, the dude rarely opens up. Dean says, “Cause you’re all part of something… terrible. I hope to hell he’s wrong, but I’m getting pretty scared that he’s right.” That kind of shocked me right there to see Dean say that. I can only imagine how it will affect Sam to hear his brother say that. He will probably always wonder now if Dean secretly fears him.

This is too much for Andy and he backs away from the car. Andy tells them to leave him alone. Dean says, “Absolutely.” Sam gets out of the car and approaches Andy. Andy’s scared. He says, “What are you doing? I said, leave me alone! Get out of here! Start driving and never stop!” Sam keeps approaching. Sam says, “Looks like it doesn’t work on me Andy.” Andy tries to play it cool and asks what he means. Sam says, “You can make people do things. You can tell them what to think.” Andy says that’s crazy. Sam continues, “It started about a year ago, didn’t it. After you turned twenty-two. Little stuff at first, then you got better at controlling it...” Andy wants to know how Sam knows all this. Sam tells him that the same thing happened to him. His mom died in a fire, and he has abilities too. He says that they are connected. Andy backs away. Sam wants to know why he told Dr. Jennings to walk in front of the bus. Andy says. “What?!” Sam winces a little. A head ache is coming on. Sam wants to know why Andy killed him. Andy says he didn’t. Then a migraine hits Sam. He sways on his feet, lists to the wall, sagging under the force of a vision.

Sam’s vision shows a woman in her 40’s get out of her SUV and start to fill her gas tank. Her cellphone rings. She answers, and says, “Sure I can do that.” She hangs up and suffers a bout of dizziness. It says Dr. Jennings experiences the same thing. I think that is what they mean about the swooning thing. She recovers, and pops in the dash lighter. She then starts dousing herself with gasoline.

The script then goes back to Andy and Sam in an alley. They are waiting for Dean. Andy asks Sam if he really sees premonitions of people about to die. He says it is impossible. Sam says people would say the same thing about what Andy does. Andy nods, thinking it is a good point. He says, “Death visions. Dude, that sucks. It’s funny… when I got my mind thingee, I thought it was a gift. Like I won the lottery-“ Sam says, “But you still live in a van. I don’t get it. I mean, you could have anything you ever wanted--” Andy says he has everything he needs. Sam regards Andy and warms to him. He thinks he is just a naïve guy caught in the middle of this. Dean drives up. He has news. He says the victim’s name was Holly Best and she was 41. The woman from Sam’s visions must have died. Sam wants to know who she is. Andy says he has never heard of her. Dean says he called someone named Ash and he said she was a woman who gave birth in 1983 when she was eighteen. She gave birth the same day Andy was born. Sam asks Andy if he was adopted. Andy says, “I didn’t think so… I mean, I guess I don’t know. Never knew my mom. She died in a fire when I was a baby, like you said.” Dean says, “Or she died in a fire tonight.” I found this part to be confusing. What does Andy mean he doesn’t know if he was adopted. I am thinking his adopted mother died in a fire too, and he had no knowledge he was adopted. Now his birth mom has died in a fire too, by lighting herself on fire. I might be wrong, but that is what I think. Dean says the birth records are sealed. Andy says, “Well. Screw that.” Apparently he has a plan up his sleeve.

Dean, Sam. and Andy are looking through files. A security guard stands by looking disoriented. He must be coming out of “Andy’s spell”. Disorientation must be an effect and an after affect. The security guard says he shouldn’t have let them in there. Andy tells him to go get a cup of coffee and he leaves. Andy, Sam, and Dean pull up at an airport. Sam tells Dean he needs to hang back. He says that there in no argument there. He has had his head screwed with enough for one day. Andy turns to Sam and says he is coming with him. Sam says no and that it is too dangerous. Andy says but it is Tracy out there. Apparently she is a friend of Andy’s. The next scene is Webber’s car. Webber is Andy’s twin brother and he has mind control powers too. Tracy is there and Webber is going to do harm to her. He tells her that she has to jump over a razor wire fence. He tells her she needs to wait until a plane comes. The car window suddenly smashes. Sam tells Webber to get out of the car. Webber thinks he is going to control Sam’s mind too, but Sam smashes him in the mouth with the pistol. Andy lets Tracy out of the car. Tracy tells him she couldn’t control herself. Sam hauls Webber out of the car. He tells him not to move, and punches him in the kidney. He puts duct tape on his mouth to prevent him from trying to use his powers. Andy tells Webber he will kill him. Tracy picks up a 2X4 and smashes Sam over the head. He goes down hard, his gun skittering away. Tracy is going to hit him again but Andy stops her. She drops the wood, and kneels down, weeping. Webber gets up and tears the tape off. Andy looks at him in shock.

Andy asks him how he did it. Webber says, “Practice, bro. If you really practiced, you woulda found out you don’t need to talk. If you have to, you can do it just with this (he taps his temple). Sometimes the headache is worth it.” Andy calls Webber a twisted SOB. Webber tells Andy to stay back or he’ll make Tracy kill herself. Webber tries to talk twisted sense to his brother. He says, with “affection”, that he didn’t want it to happen like that but Tracy was going to take Andy away from him. Andy tells Webber he is insane. Webber says that Tracy is garbage, and that they all are. They can push them to do whatever they want. Andy says, “Are you really this stupid? You find out you’ve got a long lost twin, you call him up! You go out for a drink! You don’t start killing people!” Apparently Andy only learned about his brother existing just recently. Webber says, “I wanted to tell you, bro. So many times. But He wouldn’t let me. He said I had to teach you things. About life. About us…" Sam’s face is blood streaked. His eyes swim wild and unfocused, but he strains to listen. Andy wants to know who. Webber says, “The man with yellow eyes. “ Webber says, “When I started to get the whammy power, I didn’t know what to do, until he came to me. He said I was special. He told me about you, too. He said I had a brother. A twin.” Andy wants to know why he killed their mother and Dr. Jennings. Webber says because they split them up and ruined their lives. He said they could have been together all that time, instead of alone. He couldn’t let them get away with that. Andy glances at Sam’s gun in the dirt. On the warehouse roof, Dean has a sniper rifle aimed at Webber. Webber looks right into the sight and smiles. Then Dean shoves the rifle into his mouth and reaches for the trigger. Webber giggles about to make him pull the trigger. Then the sides end.

I noticed some stuff was crossed out, so I wasn’t really sure what lines to include and which to omit. I did the best I could. I noticed it is a studio draft also, so I am sure we will be seeing revised sides eventually. This episode has me really excited though. I am most excited about this episode for season 2. I love when Sam gets visions so I am happy we will be getting more of that. I really love Sam angst. I am liking the brotherly angst too.

The whole episode sounds so interesting. We are getting to meet two more kids like Sam. It’s a lot different though since they are twins. Also the mother of these boys survived until her kids were grown. It looks like the adopted mother was killed though in a similar manner to Mary. One seems to be a good twin, the other bad. Now apparently they were separated. Their mother gave birth to them young and it looks like Andy was adopted while Webber wasn’t. Webber was left alone under the influence of the demon. This brings to mind what people have mentioned on the boards with how the demon maybe kills the baby's family since it figures it will be easier to bring the child over to the dark side. Sam and Andy too, grew up with love and protection surrounding them. The script mentions the doctor knew Andy well so maybe he was a surrogate father. I still think the kids are born with the powers and that is why the demon targets them. However it is obvious he hopes to make them use their powers for evil. The demon influenced Webber and Webber killed his mother and Andy's girlfriend. He says they were going to take Andy away from him. Also he looks at people as throw aways and has no value for human life. I think Webber thought by killing people in Andy's life and destroying his support system, he could bring him over to the darkside as well.

I have been giving this some thought though. After reading the sides, I did think that Andy wasn't the greatest person. After all he does manipulate people into giving him things. Then someone on another message board mentioned how he takes advantage of women, and that is wrong on so many levels. Someone also suggested that maybe the person who takes the Impala, and takes advantage of these women is actually the bad twin Webber. That would make more sense. I really can't see Sam or Dean liking this Andy guy if he is doing all this bad stuff. Also, on both sidesexpress and nowcasting, there are no sides listed for Webber. So Andy and Webber must be identical twins, played by one actor. In the sides, it does say Andy takes the car and leaves the women's houses. However, maybe it is Webber and Sam and Dean think he is Andy at first. Sam and Dean go looking for Andy I think based on Sam's visions, so they could get mixed up. I mean, Andy didn't even know Webber existed until recently. Also Andy has a girlfriend so why would he go to these women's houses? I thought Andy was supposed to be the good twin compared to the killer Webber. At least, that is what I thought the writers were going for, but now it really isn't making sense.

Andy grew up in the good home. He was adopted and his mother was killed. However, in the sides it makes it seem like he is close with the doctor who is later killed. He also seems to love Tracy so he still has a support system. I think when he said he has everything he needs, he was referring to his support system. Now I was thinking too how this ties in with the theory that the demon wants the child with the powers to be alone in life so he or she will turn to the dark side quicker. It makes sense only if Andy is a good guy.

My head is spinning now.

season 2, supernatural, speculation, spoilers

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