New Spoilers

Jul 12, 2006 01:57

I am trying out a new layout here. I probably did it all wrong so if any big glitches jump out at you, let me know.

There are some new Supernatural spoilers out for the second episode of the season. I posted these on the message boards, but I thought I would post it here too.

The episode is called "Everybody Loves A Clown".

Ellen is Alex's mother. She is in her 40's and Alex is in her 20's. She owns a bar. She knew John and the boys when the boys were kids. They don't remember her. The boys break into the bar at first, and Alex pulls a gun on Dean. Dean knocks it out of her hand. Then she punches him in the nose. Alex seems like she is in awe when she realizes who the boys are. She asks Dean if it is true he wasted a Rawhead.

Apparently Ellen called John and that is how the boys found her. She told him she could help. Ellen says she always felt like the boys were family. Sam tells her they could use her help now that the demon is back. Dean tells her that their dad is dead as a result of the demon. I am guessing he did sacrifice himself last episode or so we think. I wouldn't doubt if Papa Winchester will return. Maybe he wants the demon to think he is dead for now. The boys also meet Miles who is going to help them. They seem to doubt his abilities as he seems like a drunk. He is described as a barfly. It says in the script that we will soon learn that Miles is a mullet-headed-white trash-mathematical-genius-fortune teller.

Ellen also needs the boys help with another case. Alex gets upset because it was supposed to be her first solo case. The case is about a killer clown that eats human flesh. The boys also share a moment about their father. Dean is upset with Sam because he says that Sam's last words to their dad involved Sam picking a fight. Dean tells Sam not to dump his touchy feely crap on him because he accepts that his dad is dead. He tells Sam that John's death is probably eating him up because of the fight they had.

The boys are dealing with a Rakshasa. It's of an ancient race that feeds on human skin. They can appear in human form and also become invisible. Ellen gives the boys information about two deaths. A couple was killed but their daughter unharmed. It needs to be invited in to feed so that is why it appears as a clown. So kids will let it in and it can feed on the parents. The boys need a special blade to kill it.

Also the accident was real as Dean is upset about driving another car. Sam tells him that it is the only car Bobby had that was running. He says that it hurts him to drive this thing. He feels like a soccer mom lol.

The boys apparently defeat the Rakshasa. Alex rushes over, hugs Sam, but gives Dean a hug and a kiss. Sounds like she might be a potential love interest for Dean. She tells the boys that she was upset at first because it was her case, but she doesn't think she would have figured out it was the blind guy. The boys go to Miles to find out if he figured anything out about the demon. There is an office type room with some high tech stuff, both ancient and modern. Miles said he figured out how to automate the signs and omens that John was following. He says that as soon as the demon makes a move he'll know. Sam says then Miles can tell them. Miles also wants to give the demon a name. Dean suggests the big bad. I know I have heard someone call it that before.

These spoilers have me a bit worried. I heard there is the potential for these characters to be recurring. I really don't want new characters. It seems once writers decide to add new faces, it wrecks the show. I have this horrible image of One Tree Hill in my head. It really scares me. That show started as a show about two brothers too, didn't it? Then MS started adding new people, focusing on them, and destroying everything in the process.

Now someone on the message boards mentioned that Alex isn't necessarily a potential love interest for Dean. I just thought it sounded like the writers could be setting something up. Hopefully they aren't. The boys do not need love interests! I want this show to stay a show about two brothers, not become a show about love triangles like OTH. I also don't want Alex to be a half sister either. There are these three dots, or ellipsis, in the script that have me worried. Ellen says, "I always thought of you as family...". I hope that doesn't mean she is leaving something out or it is an implication that her daughter is family. I really don't think that would be plausible though. Alex is in her 20's so I can't see John cheating on Mary or moving on to someone else right after her death.

I think if anyone should have become a recurring character, it should have been Missouri. I liked her. A lot of people said she was mean to Dean, but she was just joking with him. I really can't think of anything she said that was really hurtful. She told him to take his feet off her coffee table or she would whack him with a spoon. I thought that was funny lol. I also thought it was funny when she told him to clean up and then he made a face. Then she told him not to cuss at her lol. I think she really did care a lot about the boys. I could see it, especially when she told them not to be strangers.

On a more positive note, I was happy to finally get confirmation that the accident did indeed happen. I hope we still get some Sammy hospital time. Even if it is just for five minutes, I'll be happy. I also hope the Impala makes a return. I really can't imagine the boys driving around in anything else.

Also, I think John is still alive. The show's premise was about two brothers looking for their missing father. They could keep that premise if the boys were to discover John is still alive, and they go looking for him. JDM could do guest spots on the show every so often too.

season 2, supernatural, speculation, spoilers

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