School's Out Forever!

May 01, 2007 22:23

Well school's not really out forever, but it is out for summer. I'm now officially on summer vacation. Yay! Cue the Hallelujah chorus lol. I had my last final today. It went okay. It was the only final I had and it was for my Lit class. I had paper finals for my other classes. The Lit class was fairly easy in relation to my other courses for the semester. We had a lot of work for it, but it was pretty straightforward. The final consisted of six short essay questions. I didn't think that was too bad compared to some professors who give that, as well as long essays too. I am getting flashbacks to my Shakespeare final last semester. *Shudder* Last week classes ended. I had to turn in my Final papers for my Education class and my Poetry class. The final draft of my Education class paper ended up being 27 pages! I felt like dancing around the house when I finished it lol. I think it took the record for longest paper I ever wrote. My Poetry paper had to be ten pages. I think it turned out like crap though. I think after writing such a long paper for my Education class, I kind of lost all motivation. I'll have to see what happens. I am really glad to be out of school, especially after everything that happened a couple weeks ago too. I was feeling pretty uneasy about being in a classroom.

Grades should hopefully be available sometime next week, so now I just have to wait for those. I noticed I didn't write much about school this semester on my journal. I guess I was so disgusted with it that I didn't even want to rehash it lol. Tomorrow I am going to the mall to reserve my HP book and also to look for the Supernatural comic book. I am going to see Spiderman 3 on Saturday. I am really looking forward to that. I thought Spiderman 2 was way better than Spiderman so hopefully the third one will be better than its predecessor too.

Tomorrow is our dear Sammy Winchester's birthday, so right now I am working on a vid. The sammyed_away community is having a celebration for Sammy's birthday and they asked that people submit something in honor of Sam. I know Alex is going to kill me because she has been waiting for her Dean vid for like 3 months. I had to put that one on the backburner to get this one done in time for tomorrow though. Sorry Alex!

Lyn, if you are reading this, I hope your midterm day from hell went okay. *Hugs*

school, real life

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