Come On Get Happy!

Mar 31, 2007 16:52

Not that anyone is probably reading this anyway, but I am in pretty good mood right now. I started thinking of all the great things I have to look forward to in the next few months and I feel really happy. I still have a few things up in the air like the situation with that grade that I have mentioned before. I also have a ton of homework to get done too including two final papers. However, I just realized that I have only 15 days of school left until summer vacation! I don't have classes on Fridays and I also have a long weekend to look forward to because there is no school on April 16. It's Patriot's Day. Classes end April 25 I think and I just have one final on May 1 and I’m done! Woohoo! I also am looking forward to seeing Spiderman 3 when it comes out. It looks so good! Being the spoiler whore that I am, I also happen to know that the season finale of Supernatural is going to be killer! God, I CAN”T WAIT until May 10 when the first part of it airs. Then of course there is the new Harry Potter movie coming out this summer and the final book as well in July. Now I can’t say this elated mood I am in will last but I am reveling in it for now.

In other events, I don't know if anyone watches American Idol but that kid Sanjaya has got to go. He has to be the worst singer ever!

real life

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