Apr 29, 2006 02:43
I hate being so angry towards everything. It’s just so stressful with exams and Awards Night/Graduation coming up. Brings back those memories of when MECC was actually fun. I did have a great time seeing and talking to so many people yesterday. Me, Sara, Beth, Jayson, and Joe laughed the whole time during Grad practice cause there was a wo-man looking at us, lol! Then we had to group up by counties to have our picture taken. Of course I didn’t know which county I lived in, so I picked Scott County to be with Sara, Beth, and Joe. Got to spend some time with Whitey, he's so sweet! Dylan was even nice to me, which was very strange for him to act that nice. Had like an hour to do nothing, so I walked around the college with Virgil and Heather. We walked the entire road that goes around the college! Can’t believe me and Virgil actually made it the whole way, good exercise though!
OK, this next part is bad, so skip it, but I had to let my anger out some way. Sorry if anybody gets mad, but it’s not directed at anyone person, just life in general.
In a way I can’t wait til these next 2 weeks are over, but at the same time I’m not ready for things to be over with. I think it is why I have so much anger building up inside though. Remembering all the wrong things that happened at MECC instead of the good. I’m gonna try not to cry at awards night though. Gonna park at that special spot and after it’s over walk back down there and just cry my eyes out since I’ll be alone. As for that picnic tomorrow, well it sucked last year, so it might as well suck this year too. Being forced to set there and eat with a bunch of happy people without a care in the world. I can’t bring my Dad to the picnic, can’t bring my boyfriend either. Yet I’m supposed to set there and enjoy myself! Yes I am very resentful because of that and I don’t care if it isn’t right. Until you lose someone as close to you as that, you will never understand. I’m supposed to be happy for people who do have a Dad? I don’t think so, it just angers me so bad to see people with there Dads and boyfriends too. I ain’t never gonna have a bf, and I’m sick of seeing these happy couples. I was so pissed off today cause some damn bitch had the entry to the cemetery blocked with her new car and a cell phone stuck up her ass, lookin at me like she hadn’t done anything. Well if she would get off that damn cell phone, she could see that white line she is supposed to stay behind so people can get into the cemetery! Damn Bitch, pissed me off, not a care in the world. How is it some people can just go thru life on a bed of fresh roses and never experience anything bad?
Yeah, I got things I need to change. Being so jealous of others is prob the first thing. I just get so mad sometimes. Whenever I get the chance to have a bf, I screw it up and looks like I’ve did it again. Part of me wants to say I’m sorry, but the other part just says forget it. And what did I really do anyways? Had a great time with some friends I hadn’t seen in a long time. Yes, I will always be late to everything I go too. That relates to me not taking things seriously. I guess I don’t take things seriously; I’m like whatever to anything people ask me. Why be serious? Guess I don’t act like a responsible 21 year old, but I don’t really care.
Dixie Chicks: Not Ready To Make Nice
Forgive, sounds good
Forget, I’m not sure I could
They say time heals everything
But I’m still waiting
I’m through with doubt
There’s nothing left for me to figure out
I’ve paid a price
And I’ll keep paying
I’m not ready to make nice
I’m not ready to back down
I’m still mad as hell and
I don’t have time to go round and round and round
It’s too late to make it right
I probably wouldn’t if I could
‘Cause I’m mad as hell
Can’t bring myself to do what it is you think I should
I know you said
Can’t you just get over it
It turned my whole world around
And I kind of like it
I’m not ready to make nice
I’m not ready to back down
I’m still mad as hell and
I don’t have time to go round and round and round
It’s too late to make it right
I probably wouldn’t if I could
‘Cause I’m mad as hell
Can’t bring myself to do what it is you think I should
I’m not ready to make nice
I’m not ready to back down
I’m still mad as hell and
I don’t have time to go round and round and round
It’s too late to make it right
I probably wouldn’t if I could
‘Cause I’m mad as hell
Can’t bring myself to do what it is you think I should
Forgive, sounds good
Forget, I’m not sure I could
They say time heals everything
But I’m still waiting…