Aug 05, 2009 17:28
So it turns out I still have a livejournal, figured I might as well update it. (Does anybody read this anymore? ) Livejournal tells me I haven't updated since February 2008. Since then I graduated from DePauw, worked at the DePauw HelpDesk the summer over graduation (fun), then moved to Indianapolis partially to get away from my parents and mostly to find a job/career. That didn't work out so well (in the meantime I was a server at a restaurant on the northside). However, I will now be going back to the same thing I was trying to get away from last year, my parents. This is because I got admitted to the Master's in Market Research program at SIU-Edwardsville. It's the career field I had been looking for jobs in the whole time and as an added bonus I qualify for in-state tuition (still technically an Illinois resident) and free room and board (SIUE is <50 miles away from my parents house). Guess I had never updated this because I didn't have news. Now I do.