Jun 19, 2008 00:34
There are some people whose very existence makes you want to punch them in the face. They're rude, pompous, cold-hearted, annoying, attention starved, selfish, greedy and scandalous.
If we're honest with ourselves we can all probably admit to being one or two of these things at some point or another in our lifetime but usually and in most cases we're all forced to grow up or at the very least become less of a jerk.
We're either forced by the mere fact that if we continued to act in such a lame ass way.. we'd have no friends never mind someone who actually loved us.
Being an asshole might of even gotten some of you "bad boys" laid in high school but once you turn 25 that whole angle fails to work as well. No confident woman with her head on her shoulders is going to stay with a guy who treats her like dirt but then again I'm only speaking for myself. Unfortunately, some dumb bitches do get off on having to chase a guy who could care less about her..but that definitely does not work for me and brings us back to growing up and what it takes to make it happen.
Some of us only grow up after a life altering experience like the birth of our first child or a near death experience. Then there are some people who will never grow up or change their ways and when I think of what kind of person could actually get away with being the spawn-of-Satan I think of celebrities..so here is a list of celebrities who if they lived in the real world would have no friends...in no particular order..
Tom Cruise
Lindsay Lohan
Kanye West
Courtney Love
Puff Daddy
Mariah Carey
Sean Penn
The whole Hills Cast
R-Kelly (hide your children)
Paris Hilton
Did I miss anyone? What did it take to make you grow up? I think my kids did it for me.. I can definitely say I could be a bit of a jerk before I had my kids. I'll overlook people's mistakes and shortcomings more now and I naturally empathize more then I'll judge people..but I'll admit I still find myself judging people..I think that is just something we all do but I try not to. When I was in high school though I'd say things to other kids that were just down right mean and I'd do it just to be funny or just to make my friends laugh and even in my early twenties I could be irresponsible and rude sometimes and I really just didn't give a shit what you thought about me..and I don't mean I was always an ass but anytime you think it's ok to act like that..your lame. There was a definite shift as I got older in the way I thought about the world and the people I share it with. (such a hippy thing to say I know)
When you have a kid your filled with this love that you can never explain in words but spreads like a virus..and I don't think you have to have kids to grow up and act right.. I'm just saying that's what ultimately changed me and my world for the better and I Thank god for it because living alone with 50 cats and a Linux server is just not what I wanted for my future and becoming famous..well that was not really an option for me so yeah thank god for growing up... *wink*
courtney love,
law of attraction