List 5 songs that you are currently loving. It doesn't matter what genre they are
from, whether they have words, or even if they're any good, but they must be songs
you're really enjoying right now. Post these instructions, the artists, and the songs
on your xanga, then tag 5 other xanga friends to see what they're listening to.
Click to DL :)
Joshua Radin - Girlfriend In a Coma2.
Fiona Apple - Sleep to Dream3.
The Emcee (Jin) - G.O.L.D.E.N.4.
Mack 10 - My Chucks5.
Jessica Simpson - Fired Up ... wtf is she thinking? this is so bad its funny...
I Tag:
1. Kenny Huang
2. Ed Yu
3. Sicong Ji
4. Jeff Huang
5. Mike Zhao