I did a strange, strange thing

May 01, 2005 10:50

It seemed like a good idea at the time. I built a labyrinth. I've been thinking about it all winter. It wouldn't need to be very complicated; just a path mowed in the grass and borders not mown to define the path. A labyrinth is a good thing. It's somewhere to walk in circles and nobody complains that you're not getting anywhere. It's not a maze because it doesn't have any dead ends and you can always get back out just by keeping on the path.

The path switches back and forth. It's balancing to the mind and calming to the heart. The path is like real life; it doesn't get you directly to anywhere, it turns you back when you least expect, it leads you inexorably to the inevitable end. Sometimes you just have to quit doing everything better and just do what comes next.

Have a look at http://graybeartrading.com/pictures/Mind-of-Man-Labyrinth-Russell-IA.jpg

My labyrinth isn't some gothic mystical thing. It isn't a form of worship or prayer. Oh, there's some symbolism: if you saw it from above, it looks like the convolutions of the surface of the human brain. You enter from the brain stem (near the driveway) and walk toward the amygdala in the center. There are extra folds in the areas of visual and aural processing. It's an original design and very clever.

I wrote an article for the local newspaper (included below). They didn't use it.

The whole thing is 60 foot in diameter and sits in the vacant lot that my wife owns next to our house. It cost me 30 foot of string and 2 cans of grass paint that I already had. The funny thing is that the only times I walk it are when I mow the path. It seemed like a good idea at the time.

To: Chariton News Leader
Re: Russell Labyrinth Available to the Public
Russell residents David and Dianna Satterlee created a grass labyrinth on their property two weeks ago. Visitors are welcome to walk it when it is daylight and dry. Although it looks like a maze, the 60-foot diameter labyrinth has no dead ends. It is intended to create mental balance and relaxation while following the reversing folds of the walkway.

This “Mind of Man” labyrinth lay-out is an original design. Visitors may park on the street and enter it at the “brain-stem” on the south side. “Switchbacks at the sides and far end represent auditory and visual processing centers in the brain” explained David Satterlee. “Viewed from overhead, the curves and turns resemble the folds in the surface of the brain.” Additional information can be found at the World-Wide Labyrinth Locator at http://wwll.veriditas.labyrinthsociety.org/

David is a Natural Health Writer and retired Computer Systems Manager. Dianna is the Music Teacher at Russell Community School. She says that their labyrinth is a great low-impact way to get some exercise, unwind, and relieve stress. Dianna added, “We began researching labyrinths last year but didn’t have the resources to do anything complicated. We laid it out using a center post, string, and a can of grass paint. Concepts from high school geometry let us do things like bisect angles. David mows the path every few days but the grass separating the paths is allowed to grow.”

The Satterlee’s labyrinth is on private property but is available for “respectful public use” when it is daylight and dry. It is located in the lot next to 411 West Ames Street in Russell, Iowa; just 5 miles east of Chariton and 2 miles south of US 34. There is room for several cars to park on the street. They request that no tobacco be used on the property.

A planned labyrinth in Chariton was previously reported (4/14/2005 p. 7).
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