Serenas pokemon

Sep 07, 2014 19:29

I was moving my Serena and Fennekin and somehow this little scene happened x) I was actually looking at some Xerneas figures at my nearest gamestop, which is crazy since I haven't seen figure packs of pokemon in toy stores like since I was a kid! So I had to take it out and compare the paintjobs. Turns out the american version has darker eyes? I was thinking about maybe getting the one that comes with pikachu just because I LOVE picking out merchandise in stores (since it happens so seldomly), but the one that poke_zula got from FJ or somewhere (japanese version) is so much prettier <3 So she somehow ended up in the bundle, and I keep thinking if Serena will get a Sylveon or not!

I have a theory that as long as Fennekin is her baby she can't get an Eevee since Fennie might be overshadowed. But if Serenas Fennekin evolves into Braixen I'm betting (or rather hoping haha) she'll get a Sylveon eventually! Sylveon and Serena would be so great together!!! In a later season or something :)

First I want to watch more of Fennekin and Serena. But I also LOVE Braixen so much so I'm kinda hoping Fennekin evolves some day. I was exactly like this when playing X! I didn't evolve my Fennekin until lvl 50 or so, but when I was in the magical little fairy tale town of Laverre the whole atmosphere made me think it was time to get me my little witch partner :D Writing about Braixen makes me think about how little merch she'll probably get... I hope we see at least something. How to convice the merchandise companies that we will in fact buy merch of middle starters? Nintendo must have a vague idea whether a pokemon is nicely designed and will hit if off or not...

Oh well I'm excited to see what team Serena ends up with in the anime :D At least that won't be a Xerneas, but since I had one in X, I included it in this little scene :3
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