hmm... I spotted this idea ( on someones journal and thought it sounded interesting, might at least get me posting for the next few days anyway! The idea is to post all the food you eat every day for 6 days... I think its meant to be an 'anti-diet' type thing, but i figure it might help me realise why my weight has stayed exactly the same for months and months seemingly oblivious as to whether i'm eating like a rabbit or a chocolate monster! so here goes:
small packet of cheesy oatcakes
pumpkin and cranberry biccy
cup of earl grey
wrap filled with with potato salad and left-over sunday dinner chicken
cup of early grey
another pumpkin and cranberry biccy
bowl of tortellini with grated cheese on top
4 bottles of very nice polish beer
small packet of cheesy oatcakes
cup of earl grey
last little bits of left-over sunday dinner chicken
a wensleydale and fig chutney sarnie
a raspberry (low fat) yoghurt
half (of caroles) chocolate brownie
cup of rose pouchong tea
two glases of apple juice in the pub (not beer! see, being good!)
beef pie with new potatoes, peas, brocolli and random veg
hmmm, do we have to include beer in this thing d'you think??!