
Jul 09, 2003 15:25

I can't remember how many times my mom and brothers called me retarded, stupid, dumb and annoying but it was a lot. everyday. at least 3 to 4 time. Mom already said it about 8 times today. hehe. My dad calls me stupid when i'm driving. haha. I'm 19, but i can't help it, wherever, whenever. pshhh... i guess i have to accept the fact that i stupid. yes i am slow, takes me awhile and i have a very low memory, and sometimes forget how your sopposed to act in a certain place called respect. anyway. I don't really care or mind if they call me like that, stupid is just one of them, faget/fag is just one of the few i have to hear everyday in this place. i don't give a shit. period! i say whatever i want, whenever i want, and act how i feel like it. so i was bored and thought about all the stupid names i've been called so many times, and i came up with a new screen name for AIM.


dop·ey also dop·y ( P ) Pronunciation Key (dp)
adj. Slang dop·i·er, dop·i·est
Dazed or lethargic, as if drugged.
Stupid; doltish: a dopey kid.
Silly; foolish: a dopey answer.
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