Behind the cut are IBARW posts collected on
Delicious since the last post (
more details).
- fiction_theory: Failing at IBARW, you're doing it. :: Offering up a "racial diversity resource" list that contains racist portrayals without bothering to at least mark which is which (because you yourself don't even know) is like going to someone's birthday party and offering them a cake that you dropped on the floor and saying, "Well, I didn't pick out the hair or dirt or the bugs that got in, but you can eat around those, some of it is still good! It's still a cake and it's your birthday!"
(tags: ibarw ibarw4 about.ibarw links by.white.people united.states english.language allywork(not)) - Seeking Avalon: Marie Brennan - Half Assed Is NOT Good Enough :: Antiracism efforts don't need your guilt, or your fumbling, negligent and harmful attempts at cookie collecting. So just don't say a damn thing anymore. It's better when you don't confirm yourself solidly not just a non-ally, but an enemy.
(tags: ibarw ibarw4 books by.poc united.states english.language links allywork(not)) - Caren Gussoff » Blog Archive » International Blog Against Racism Week: late to the gate, but here anyway :: It’s taken me a long time to understand that I don’t need anyone’s permission to exist, inside or outside the culture. Regardless of how I’m perceived, it’s part of who I am, how I act in the world, and what I think about. It’s also taken me a long time to understand what my role in all this can be. I can’t be the Gypsy mouthpiece-I can be a mouthpiece who happens to be Romani, who tells Romani stories from her Romani point of view, who creates Romani characters as rich and full as possible. All I can do is write one voice and hope that my existence serves as an open invitation for others to join in.
(tags: by.poc ibarw ibarw4 english.language romany roma didikai united.states) - Seeking Avalon: IBARW Teaches Us To Stop Talking To You :: Riiiiight, so apparently IBARW had serious moments of fail by white people continuing to make 2009 BE THEIR YEAR FOR SHOWING ASS & PRIVILEGE.
(tags: by.poc united.states english.language ibarw ibarw4 about.ibarw fail links) ![](
facetofcathy: The Truth :: You have to actively not see this. Nice white lady, hick from an all-white town, or anything in between, it takes real concerted effort to be oblivious to this. If someone tells you they don't see racism where they live in Canada, that it's just not like that here--they're full of shit. A quote from a movie I just watched, Everyone loves beauty. It's easy to love a beautiful child. The hard thing is learning to love an ugly child.Canada is an ugly child. If you claim otherwise, you're lying.
(tags: by.white.people canada ibarw ibarw4 racism english.language class)- jenwrites: The post-racial fairy tale of my youth :: See, I'm an incredibly awkward human being. I try to say something well-intentioned and supportive to a person of color who I know primarily through their writings against racism, and later find out that what I've said is near the top of a list of "Stupid things that white liberals say." And then when I next see them, I'm too embarrassed to say anything to them at all. Should I apologize? Will that make things worse? Will my apology come off as a white woman's tears? And why the hell do I feel compelled to say these things instead of just talking to them like human beings? It's like I've got just enough awareness to be annoying and not enough to be helpful.
(tags: united.states ibarw ibarw4 by.white.people personal english.language) - thewayoftheid: My late-ass IBARW post, or WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE?! :: So, this is it. That's all I have. All I ask is--before you decide to engage in race-related discussions--that you1)actually know what you're fucking talking about2)not ignore or dismiss the context involved3)be willing to listen to opposing views without coming off as a condescending twatwaffle. (Unless the opposing view is really, really stupid. Like, Michelle Malkin stupid.)
(tags: ibarw ibarw4 by.poc united.states english.language discourse history black african.american feminism) - Bodies & Books « Imagine Today :: I agree. Make yourself heard with your buying power but also, use your voice. Call out incidents like this, blog about it, talk about it, take it apart… become more aware of the biases that you may have personally absorbed from your culture so that you can better fight them because no one should be made to feel unworthy for looking like themselves.
(tags: united.states english.language ibarw ibarw4 white.washing books books.ya liar)
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