Behind the cut are IBARW posts collected on
Delicious in the last 24 hours (
more details).
- ysabetwordsmith: Why is this game rigged? :: There is no unmarked case. There is no way to win. Everything you do will be considered wrong. Somebody will always wind up criticizing you no matter what you do; someone will always feel that they have a right to butt in and condemn you and what you're doing and your whole worldview, and to tell you what you ought to be doing instead and why your opinions or experiences are irrelevant. The system is designed that way.Why is it designed that way?
(tags: by.white.people united.states english.language ibarw ibarw4 sexism racism) - luciusmalfoy: International Blog Against Racism Week :: My point is that the experiences of the uncoloured who have been oppressed, taunted, or abused because of their racial background ARE JUST AS IMPORTANT as those of people who are not uncoloured. Uncoloured people have EXACTLY the same right to talk about the racism they've experienced as those of people who are not uncoloured. And if you think I'm wrong, you can seriously Go Right Off And Fuck Yourself.
(tags: ibarw ibarw4 english.language racism by.nonwhite.people racism.doesnt.exist whiteness) - juleet: ibarw 2009-2 For the Price of 1: Ice Cream & Racism :: It's ridiculous, so ridiculous-- the event that brought me to tears. But it was what happened at an Ice Cream Shop that really made me take a step back to realize, "huh... so I guess this is what they call racism."
(tags: ibarw ibarw4 by.poc united.states english.language racism race) - glass_icarus: IBARW: listening between the lines :: If I walk away from a discussion, it is not necessarily a marker that I have nothing constructive/of value/of validity/of relevance/at all to say. It may well be, and this depends of course on the discussion at hand, a sign that I have nothing left to say to you.
(tags: ibarw ibarw4 by.poc english.language discourse listening) - claws_n_stripes: Michael Jackson, Part I: Reality Check :: "Innocent until proven guilty" was a radical innovation in jurisprudence that has yet to reach the black community. An allegation is the same thing as a conviction in the eyes of most white people when a black man is the accused party. Meanwhile, LAPD can be caught on camera beating Rodney King to within an inch of his life and be found not guilty by an all-white jury. That is the reality of racism in America.
(tags: ibarw ibarw4 by.poc united.states english.language african.american black racism racial.profiling police) - lady_ganesh: Special Bonus Pimp: Better Luck Tomorrow (IBARW) :: Ben (Parry Shen!) and his friends are brilliant, and brains and boredom lead to trouble. They start selling cheats to exams, sneaking computer parts out of stores to resell, and their crimes escalate from there. But it's not a crime movie, any more than it's a conventional high school movie. The characters take their own arcs, rather than following any formula, and the movie is infinitely richer for it.
(tags: ibarw ibarw4 movies english.language by.white.people united.states) - The Other as Space :: let’s look at the Other in terms of the space they occupy.Where is the ring of the Other in relation to the core? How far away is the ring? Which parts are squeezed in and which are stretched out?Is there easy access between the ring and the core? Are there people floating in between?Do people transition between the ring, the core, and inbetween?
(tags: ibarw ibarw4 by.nonwhite.people bangladeshi malaysian australia othering meta theory south.asian english.language) - The Merch Girl: : Tiara the Merch Girl- Burlesque Racefail (and why I care so much) :: Lately I've been doing a lot of debate & discussion on privilege, cultural appropriation, and representation as it relates to burlesque (which I'm emerging in). I originally wrote this on my friends-only LJ, but I figured my reputation was already so set that it couldn't hurt more to just make the thing public. So - with a few edits - here's my take on why I seem to care so damn much about how my race and I deal with burlesque, and why I'm not going to apologise and shut up.
(tags: ibarw ibarw4 by.nonwhite.people burlesque privilege cultural.appropriation discourse english.language) - re_weird: how America is represented in Hetalia :: Axis Powers Hetalia* is a web manga with an anime adaption that's about the personification of countries during WWII and other times. It's a gag comic with the focus being on amusing historical anecdotes. The personifications are a mixture of national stereotypes, the world's perception of the countries and their own personalities. The United States of America is a brash young guy that eats hamburgers, drinks cola and talks incessantly about being a hero. He's well-meaning but he's convinced he's knows the best for everyone.He's also white.
(tags: ibarw ibarw4 comics stereotypes media.(mis)representation united.states fandom hetalia english.language) - logovo1: De quedarse callada :: Hablar de racismo es algo que me aísla de las personas a mi alrededor, en veces encabrona (tanto a mi como a mi familia) y resulta por lo menos frustrante. Me digo que mejor callar para conservar la paz, pero en veces abro la boca cuando fregaderas racistas se acumulan alrededor de algo como el arresto de Henry L. Gates - fregaderas nacidas no tanto por los hechos, sino por las reacciones en la televisión* que mucho trate de evitar, pero al final fue un diluvio.
(tags: ibarw ibarw4 by.poc racism discourse lengua.española spanish.language) - squirrel_monkey: IBARW -- Carl Brandon Society open letter :: And the point of open letter is not to enforce anything but rather to establish a certain standard of discourse. And no, it cannot be enforced. It just lets people know that others expect them to behave as decent human beings and once you start calling people names, other people will notice.
(tags: ibarw ibarw4 english.language carl.brandon.society discourse racism.101) - celestialsoda: ART: IBARW - Nyota Uhura (is not a white girl)
(tags: ibarw ibarw4 by.poc star.trek art) - Unlearning Racism Adventure #1 « Coast Live Oak :: I was taught racism as a binary black and white-which means that I don’t usually think about racism and Asians or Native Americans or Hispanics. That’s got to be another variety of racism right there. That way of thinking leaves out about a third of the people in Oakland.
(tags: ibarw ibarw4 by.white.people united.states mexico black.mexican race racism international comedy english.language) - The Thing Not Being Said | The Angry Black Woman :: …about all this “birther” crap, in which fine upstanding folk who are legitimate natural-born citizens of this fine country (the US of A, because we’re all from it or want to be from it, of course) incessantly and illogically question the fact that our president is also legitimately natural-born……is that they’re not crazy. They’re just fucking racists.
(tags: ibarw ibarw4 by.poc race racism obama united.states politics black multiracial english.language) - Get back, get back, get back | The Angry Black Woman :: And let me just say this, even if it were unequivocally true that Black Covers Don’t Sell (the thinking that pervades the industry), that would still make what Bloomsbury has done equally abhorrent. Money and marketing do not give you a free pass to be racist. “Practical” considerations don’t make it okay to pretend that a black character is white just to attract more readers.
(tags: books marketing race racism ibarw ibarw4 english.language by.poc liar links white.washing books.ya) - The Difference Between What You Say and What You Are | The Angry Black Woman :: Bias, prejudice, wrong thinking can be the product of conscious thought or unconscious/unexamined thought. It seems to me that a large percentage of people who bust out with really ignorant statements often do so because they have not ever, ever truly thought them through to their logical conclusions. If they did, or if someone challenged them to, their thinking could change.Most activists realized this about people long ago. And thus many attempt to make a distinction between “You said something X-ist” and “You are a X-ist.”
(tags: ibarw4 ibarw by.poc english.language discourse racism) - swan_tower: oh yeah, I have a list :: I have something on my website that could be useful as a racial-diversity resource. Of course, I've read only a fraction of the books listed there, so I can't say they're all worth reading; some of them may in fact be head-'splodingly bad. But if you've got a hankering for fantasy novels that acknowledge the existence of a world outside of the usual feudal-Celtic-Norse triangle, well, there's a starting point.
(tags: ibarw ibarw4 by.white.people links books english.language) ![](
dirty_diana: can't stop the signal (ibarw and me; the how did this all become my fault edition) :: really they are blogging against the victims of racism speaking too strongly to white people. Because if anything is worse than racism, it is white people feeling bad after they made you feel bad. Or white people actually having to do anything or think about anything or change in any way. They *would* care! But you're doing it wrong.
(tags: ibarw4 ibarw by.poc discourse racism english.language links)- throughadoor: when white people fuck up, a continuing series :: I was reminded that I interpret EVERYTHING through the perspective of a middle-class white girl, and every assumption I make based on that perspective is an opportunity for me to check my privilege.
(tags: ibarw ibarw4 by.white.people allywork privilege white.privilege united.states english.language) - imperial_artist: IBARW 4 - Minority communities: it’s about us, not you :: We’re the ones that we’ve created our own space for. This isn’t a minority re-enactment society for your cultural education; we’re not here to hand out teaching moments and pieces of sanwinmakin to the ‘good’ white folks who aren’t feeling overtly racist today. This is our space in which to do whatever we choose to do, that’s our balachaung and our ohnno-kaukswey: it’s not for you.
(tags: ibarw ibarw4 by.poc burmese united.kingdom identity safe.spaces english.language) - imperial_artist: IBARW 4 - Geographical terms: the Orient :: The Orient is a region just like Europe or Africa. Being from that region doesn’t mean that you necessarily want to be stopped by every idiot who has decided that their one fantasy about said region typifies everything that region consists of. It’s a place, a geographical demarcation, a larger regional name for a location made up of many states, ethnicities and cultures.
(tags: ibarw ibarw4 english.language oriental stereotypes burmese burma terminology by.poc by.multiracial.people by.nonwhite.people united.kingdom) - fickle_goddess: IBARW: The Summarized Version! :: Multicolorful is now up and running! For those of you who missed hearing about it before or have forgotten, multicolorful celebrates character of color in art, specifically those on deviantart. [,,,]Fandom talks a lot about media and POC in TV shows and books, but it's one of those things that people don't often notice in real life unless they pay attention to it specifically.
(tags: ibarw ibarw4 by.poc austria interracial.relationship media.(mis)representation art racism english.language) ![](
avendya: IBARW: Mind Without Fear :: Today's poem is by Rabindranath Tagore.Mind Without Fear
(tags: ibarw ibarw4 english.language indian poetry)- bana05: The Etymology of Reverse :: I find it very curious that I’m supposed to care more about this perceived “reverse racism” than I am about “regular” racism, especially when there is a huge investment by white people and nonwhites alike trying to convince people that “regular” racism “doesn’t exist anymore” in this “post-racial” society.
(tags: ibarw ibarw4 by.poc united.states racism reverse.racism language racial.profiling links english.language) - We've Got A Lady Pilot: IBARW: 2 poems by Marilyn Dumont :: Marilyn Dumont is a female Métis author, who tackles gender, race, colonialism, and intersectionality in her work, as well as also writing some kick-ass poems about love and loss and life in general
(tags: ibarw ibarw4 english.language canada multiracial poetry first.nations) - karnythia: Curing Racism...wouldn't inoculation be easier? :: There is so much that could be done to actually level the playing field and benefit everyone. Racism (and the other 'isms) will destroy society if left unchecked so let's vaccinate our children.
(tags: ibarw ibarw4 by.nonwhite.people canada reparations education racism by.poc english.language) - rhythmaning: "I'm black. They never let me forget it. I'm black all right! I'll never let them forget it!" :: Then in yesterday's Independent, I read this article about the black boxer and the first black heavy-weight world champion, Jack Johnson.
(tags: ibarw ibarw4 english.language links articles black sports) - smallcaps: He wāhine, he taonga :: There's a fairly widespread belief that by tikanga Māori (customs), wāhine are oppressed and seen as inferior. It's certainly true that there are different traditional roles for tāne and wāhine, men and women, but the tikanga as I am given to understand them are a lot more complex than many pākehā realise.
(tags: ibarw ibarw4 by.white.people maori english.language maori.language new.zealand women.of.color gender) - fanficrants: AUGH :: BUT REALLY, FANFICWRITERS. BLACK PEOPLE DO NOT TASTE LIKE *CHOCOLATE*.
(tags: racism writing fanfiction english.language) - Blogenspiel: International Blog Against Racism Week :: If you remember, this sort of thing also happened with the adaptation of Ursula K. Le Guin's A Wizard of Earthsea. Le Guin was not pleased with the result. It also regularly happens on bookcovers, where the main characters are depicted as white, even when the text makes it clear that they aren't.
(tags: ibarw4 ibarw english.language united.states white.washing avatar links racial.profiling racism) - IBARW « Bi-Furious! :: here are some links to IBARW posts, and just general brilliant, important things on race and racism I’ve read recently
(tags: ibarw4 ibarw links english.language) - hapex_legomena: IBARW: Ramblings about St. Lucia, Family, and How Dumb Never Takes a Vacation :: The point has been made before that dealing with racism and people's treatment of you because of your race is tiring and is even more tiring because it is more or less constant. To illustrate this, I will give you a small sample set.
(tags: ibarw ibarw4 st.lucia caribbean united.states by.poc english.language hair racism) - brynndragon: Clueless White People Anonymous meeting :: that part where the commenter says "suddenly you become super sensitive and have to think about how what you will do/say/think/write will be construed"? People who aren't white have to do this every day of their lives.
(tags: ibarw ibarw4 by.white.people links english.language white white.privilege) - KT the Magnificent: An Interview with Kathleen T. Horning - 7/1/2009 - School Library Journal :: When we looked at the Subject Guide to Children’s Books in Print for that year under “Blacks”-that was the subject-there was maybe a half-page of entries for nonfiction and fiction. But if you turned back a few pages and looked for “Bears” fiction, the entries went on for three pages. There were more children’s books with personified bears as main characters than there were with African Americans as main characters.
(tags: ibarw race racism books.children books articles united.states english.language) - deviantART: sailorptah's Journal: IBARW: now with illustrations :: Give me the name of a character of color (that's everyone who isn't white, for those of you playing catch-up), and I'll draw them.
(tags: ibarw4 ibarw art english.language) - LAA - George discovers race by *sailorptah on deviantART :: This was actually drawn months ago, so it wasn't intended for IBARW. Have a mini-linkspam (involving families, being bi- or multiracial, and how kids process race) anyway.
(tags: comics color.blindness multiracial art links english.language ibarw ibarw4 united.states by.white.people) - Mary Robinette Kowal: Why describe characters :: 1) by only describing my characters when they aren’t white, or aren’t tall, or aren’t medium-build, I wind up reinforcing the idea that these are the norm and everyone else is other, 2) because of the way reader perception works, I wind up creating more homogenous casts than I’d like. In other words, I’m being a sloppy writer.
(tags: writing by.white.people ibarw ibarw4 english.language) - Mary Robinette Kowal: Facing my own racism :: When we think of racism, there’s a tendency to think of just the overt, violent sort. “Oh, no! I’m not racist.” But racism is often quieter and more insidious.So, here are some ways in which I have discovered that I am racist. It shames me.
(tags: ibarw4 ibarw by.white.people united.states english.language racism)
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