(no subject)

May 18, 2006 01:08

So maz quit eternia, and now we are without a dancer...SOOOOOooooo, I made an archer going dancer, Lucifer's Beloved. I always have such a hard time coming up with names, and all of my names always have something to do with the antichrist, and its so easy to come up with masculine names, but hard as hell to think of feminine names. She will be a CP dancer for Eternia...but that means less time spent on Father. I dont want Beloved to be my main, becuase I adore father, but it most certainly appears as such. /sob

WoE was fun, we lost the castle at the last minute though, and the Fury Alliance is going crazy now. Instead of working as one group, we are splitting up into two groups...I dont foresee this turning out well...>.> It looks as though they are trying to break up. In that case, what will become of eternia? D: Today hasnt been a very good day. >.< At least Im halfway away from job change...ten levels. I dont know what time i go into work tomorrow! I should wake up early and find out. >.<

If all else fails, I will play two acc at once, becuase Im most certainly not going to stop playing father. Ill level Beloved and Father together as a party! :D lmao, Im so tired. -.-;
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