На англійській (ходжу на курси англ. мови в католицький університет. всім раджу) Анна (раджу лише її як викладача) дала завдання написати газетну статтю на тему, яку кожен з нас витягнув собі із капелюха. Мені попалося геніальне "Mum is always there". Я трошки розкис, коли мені попалася така чудова тема, але потім подумав, що це непогана нагода з'ясувати, чи можливо з безглуздої фрази створити щось варте уваги. По-моєму, вийшло класно.
Part I
As reported earlier, police managed to detain a young man, who robbed the Lehman Brothers Bank. The young man while being detained said only one phrase “Mum is always there”. After that he rejected to answer any questions asked by police. We conducted our own investigation and present the results to our readers. First of all we’ll remind the chronology. On Saturday September 13, 2008, police office registered burglar alarm signal from the headquarters of the Lehman Brothers Bank. In 5 minutes police patrol got to the bank office and detained the young man, staying inside an empty bank repository. Of course, police suspect this young man to be a person, who robbed the bank. The robber uses his right to keep silence and rejects to answer any question including the question “where is the money?” The only phrase the robber said during the police interrogation that head of the New York City police Mrs. Bankruptcy and other officials conducted was “Mum is always there”. Mrs. Bankruptcy claimed that she took the investigation under her own control.
The magazine found out that robber’s name is Michael Bankruptcy and he is the son of the head of the police department. Mrs. Bankruptcy proved herself a great policewoman and this unusual crime seems to be a neutrality test for her. Will she manage to return money to the bank? We will see it in the nearest future. The magazine will inform readers on the details of further investigation.
Part II
Mrs. Bankruptcy officially claimed Michael Bankruptcy to be unguitly. As documents show money had been stolen long before Michael Bankruptcy entered the bank. Police dropped all charges from Michael Bankruptcy and happy mother could hug her son. Michael was not looking very happy. The only thing he said was his famous “Mum is always there”. We tried to learn what does it mean?
We asked Michael’s friends about his life and his relationships with his mother. There are some interesting facts we learned. Mrs. Bankruptcy turned to be too caring mother. She martyred her son with care and love. Therefore the boy decided to hide from his mother in prison and the best way to do this was to rob a bank. We can imagine his disappointment when he saw his mother as an investigator of his criminal case. The magazine condoles with the boy upon Mrs. Bankruptcy’s temper and warns that excessive mother care sometimes may have much wider adverse effect rather than a simple disagreement within a single family.
Для тих, хто у бронепоїзді. Lehman Brothers Bank - банк, банкрутсотво якого запустило світову економічну кризу.