(no subject)

Sep 27, 2005 22:28

So yeah, work sucked tonight as usual...but hey, at least it was short right? Afterwards I decided to stop off at Poop's house to pick up my guitar and I ended up hanging out shootin the shit with him and the neighbor girl for a couple hours, that was fun:) From what I know of her she's pretty cool..I also hear she's quite the talented artist. I'm glad I got the chance to hang out with them, i haven't exactly been the most available friend in the past. Before his neighbor came over we had a pretty good talk about pretty much everything, it was nice.

I've been looking a lot into art schools again...I had been planning to go to OU afte WSCC, but i'll be the first to admit it was for the wrong reasons. I've looked into two in specific: Columbus College of Art and Design, and the Art Institute of Pittsburgh. Both would be incredible experiences, I just can't decide which one is better. I just wish I could take my friends with me, Slaughterhouse Hill in a real city...hell yes. But it won't be so bad, if I go to Columbus I can track down Melissa and Thom and bug them all of the time...and if I go to Pittsburgh, well I know one or two people in Pittsburgh too. Plus, c'mon..it's Art College, how could I not make friends? I was fucking born for Art College! I can't wait, I really hope it works out that I can go. If I finish my degree at WSCC with any luck a lot of my credits will transfer and I could just get an Associates Degree from AIP (a highly reguarded art college)and get a pretty damn good entry level job and maybe night school it to get my BA...or at least that's the plan right? It feels good to have a plan:-D. Well, that's all.
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