(no subject)

Dec 28, 2006 01:32

I hope everyone had a good christmas. Mine was rather nice, Santa brought me a new Creative mp3 player and I like it a lot. Also got some money and thats about it. I got back from Mississippi last night. Schedule looks like this

Thursday - working from 10 to 12 to cover for someone then actually have to work from 5 30 to 10 30. I should be hanging out with Brooke in between unless I am mistaken

Friday - free til the night when Cicero is playing at the sold out Masquerade, hell yeah. I feel cool saying my band is playing a sold out show, even though I have a feeling Cartel had something to do with it.

Saturday - working a hell of a long time, 10 - 7, afterwards I have no plans though.

Sunday (new years eve) - working from 3 to 8. After that I believe there is a Rent party with Brooke Austin Patrick Mary and others I hope.

Monday - no plans at all

Tuesday - no plans at all.

And there goes Winter Break.

Today was a very nice day, went to Lenora Park, Brookes dog got crap (seriously crap, not just "crap" but feces) on her and so we got to give her a nice bath. Then we went grocery shoping for her mom, which took us all of about 4 hours and we also bought Patrick a nice gift. Work was ridiculous tonight, like crazy busy and I pretty much showered in PBR beer because the keg did not want to hook up right at Mellow. Picture dumping a keg on top of you and thats pretty much what happened. I just got home though and am pretty tired.

I hope everyone has a great New Year and rest of the break.

Come see Cicero if you have tickets, if you dont, too late its sold out :).

Good night.
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