(no subject)

Jun 16, 2004 01:01

Alright, rewind to Friday...Nothin ended up going down, I guess. Chilled at home and sat around with the folks for mosta the night. Woke up Saturday, did some things round the house. Went to pick up Brittany, came back here chilled for a while, then we met my parents at Bahama Breeze for some dinner at around 7:30ish. We got there pretty late, but my parents were just chillin on some red wine, so they didn't care. We were there for about an hour talking about random stuff, since this was pretty much the first time Britt really sat down and talked with my parents. All in all, it went good. After that, my parents offered to treat us to a movie as well...nothing was going on, so we were down with that. We mob over to the tukee AMC, park and get our tix with my mom. Walk over to Barnes & Noble, parents buy us some coffee, and walk in the theater. Cool shit, my parents are puttin out a lot. We sit on the opposite side of my parents since they got those pair of seats to the very right of the theater and we got the ones to the very left. Stepford Wives was the movie...it's a remake of some 50's movie where these people move to some town where all the wives are reprogrammed/made over to be the perfect wives/robots. Movie was decent, had some funny parts and what not.

So, we walk out of the theater, and there's this little coffee shop right there. Before we went in, I noticed that there was a sheesa (hooka bong thing...I think that's what it's called) on one of the tables. I was like, "crazy...didn't know they had hooka down here". So for all of you people that don't like King Tut's, goto tukee. BTW, for you people who don't know what hooka is, it's like flavored tobacco with like 10% the amount that's in a cigarette or somthing along those lines. So we're walking out, and my parents ask what those are, and what hooka is, and I explain. The second I get done, I hear voices calling my name...Look over and there's Beau and Jordan sitting there smoking hooka. Great, right in front of my parents that despise tobacco. They didn't seem to mind too much and just walked off though. Talked to them two for a bit, mobbed home with Britt, where we watched Finding Nemo, and then took her home.

Sunday, I wake up and don't really do much. Played some CS with John and he told me about this CPU/mobo combo at Fry's for cheap. I mob over there and check it out, but they're out of mobo's...Damn. I head to Marquee to get a ticket to the Format for Britt, but the box office is closed on weekends. Double Damn. Mob home quick like, then pick up Britt, and we head to my parents church since there's some local christian bands playing there. We were there till about 930 or 10 I think. Also, if any of you remember Garth/Willie Bostic, their band 'Sky Harbor' was performing there. Britt recognized 3 or 4 of their songs from the radio, so I guess they're pretty big. I never knew. Cool shit though, it was good times. After that, we went over to Amber's and hung out with her for a while. We hit up the pool/jacuzzi for a while. Left about 1230ish I think to drop Britt off, then went home.

Monday, I wake up, goto werk till 3:00, pick up Britt, and make our way to Marquee. Get there, SHIT! sold out show...god damn it. So, I go get some food and we mob to my house. The situation was I bought two tix for her and me, but then she was going to goto church camp..so I'm like hmm, what to do with ticket...I'll sell it to Matt! So, I give it to Matt for $15. Turns out, Britt can't goto camp, so I was just gunna go buy her another ticket, but now they're sold out. Don't wanna go without her, but she doesn't want me to miss the show. We were gunna have me attend the show and see if we could find someone to do something with, but she ends up just chilling in my room/with my parents. So, she was going to have to chill at my house with my parents, which she didn't feel to comfortable with. She still insisted I go. So Matt picks me up, we get there, park and wait in line. I see Tony on the street since traffic is backed up to get in. B randon and his bro are with him, and B says he needs a ticket. Well, I'm still feeling bad, so I offer him my ticket since he would have to go on a wild goose chase or pay out the ass since they're sold out. He's cool with that, but now I'm stuck at Marquee...I offer Matt some cash to take me home and he agrees. 17$ from B randon for the ticket and $5 to Matt to take me back. I guess it all turned out fine since I did see Format a week ago. Oh well I hope it was a good show. Thanks Matt for going outta your way.

So I call Britt to tell her what's up and she says that she was gunna go hang out with Melissa and her dad was gunna come pick her up. I tell her to let Melissa know that she's gunna stay at my house. I get home, all is well and Britt is eating din with my parents. How cute. I sit down, we all talk and what not, watch twin fear factor. After that, her and I chill on the couch while my parents are upstairs. We then watch the finale of Superstar USA (the bad singer one). After that, we goto get ice cream with Mel and Micaela. Stop by Kelly's and he's not there. Stop by Tonio's and get him. He showers, we torture his cat, we leave. Get the cream, mob to my house, drop's Britt and I off and we chill and wait for Josh to come over since we're going to watch Super Troopers with him. He gets there, we watch, we leave, I drop everyone off, and I sleep. I think I'm getting tired of writing and just trying to sum everything up quick like.

Wake up, goto werk, get off, mob to Fry's...NICE they have the mobo in. I get the mobo and an XP 2600+ for 91.87. I have $88 in cash (2 20's, 4 10's and 7 1's lol) and $4's in quarters. Awesome. Also, does anyone know if Jessica Bobince has a bro? If so, he checked me out I think. So, I left Fry's after killing my money for the week and go home. Chill for a while, mob to Wendy's with Matt, take it back and watch the Pistons ROCK ALL OVER the Lakers. Man, they're the shit. Wallace's = hell yeah. After that, his bro and friend bring Super Troopers by...Shit, I haven't seen this movie in forever......I watched it again, mobbed home and now I'm writing..good times.

ASU/UofA ppl... <3 goes out to you since it's been so long since I've seen your pretty faces. Hopefully, I'll see them soon.
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