Aug 07, 2006 19:52
since I know you're all dying to know how it went
I got there at 8 instead of 8:20 (when I technically had to get there). And they told me I wasn't allowed to be there if I didn't have a first period, so I stood in line for about 20 minutes until the lady at guidance informed me that the other administrators were retarded and to ignore them. So I went to my first class....marine biology, where I know a whopping ZERO people. Oh, and the teacher seems crazy, but I like her. I seemed like the only kid who cared at all about being there. Everyone was really blase. Anyway, we talked about our field trips, and I'm really excited about them. The planned ones are to Tampa Bay park to study the mangroves, the florida aquarium, to cockroach bay (to go out to an island and study shore and shallow water creatures, and out on a boat to drag nets and study deep water stuff), and sea world (those are just the big ones, there are a lot of little ones that are more local).
So then I went to life management, where it's mostly freshman and again I know NO ONE. The teacher does "adult" material stand up comedy in tampa (she can't do it in county and keep her teaching job...). Anyway, she seemed like she'll be really crass and say crazy stuff and be hilarious. So then I had lunch ("A" lunch) lol. Lunch is really short and I wandered around lost for a while till I found Travis and Maral and ate with them.
And then I had AP calc, which I'm pretty sure will be my hardest class. Anyway, we did these two "Review" worksheets, one on algebra, and one on trig. I found out that I'm retarded and remember nothing about math and just basically gave IB a really bad rep. lol. Anyway, apparently once she actually teaches, you're supposed to learn a lot, so we'll see.
In conclusion, I know VERY few people there. In fact, I feel kind of invisible there. Which I think I like. And I get to be the "new girl" and get asked hundreds and hundreds of times what I'm doing there. Oh well, I think it should turn out to be okay. The three classes I have tomorrow are AP english lit, AP environmental science, and TV production, so I'll let you know how they go.
I hope all of your first days went well, and keep me updated!