Colin Morgan in Mojo

Jan 07, 2014 01:53

Today I got to see the lovely Colin perform in Mojo in the west end in London.

I have to say i was impressed by his acting. He was barely recognizable, which means hes doing his job right. He played his part great, a very complex one to hold down (but then again so they all were). The script was fast paced, and even I struggled at times to follow there conversations throughout especially with the cockney slang.

The play itself was ok, I have to admit, if Colin wasn't in it, i probably wouldn't consider seeing it again. Its very dark humor and can take a while to get into it. Don't get me wrong, fabulous acting from all, but I feel these guys are maybe let down by the storyline a little bit. I came home and had to write a drabble of fanfiction due to Mr Morgan's amazing acting of his final part. His character Skinny is shot in the head, and through his last few moments he really breaks my poor heart. Seeing his character dying, his brain shutting down as its been damaged from the injury is almost too hard to watch, but its amazing acting from the man and true to life. I don't do death fictions to be honest, but i just had to come home and put pen (or buttons to computer - whatever) to paper as i was so inspired. Hopefully this has given me a boost to do more of the reverse BB writing. Over 3K words written so far, hopefully another 3K or more this week.

Now... must sleep... its nearly 2am and I have to be up at 6am for work. : (

mojo, fanfiction, inspiring., colin morgan, acting, merlin

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