You Will find your courage.

May 02, 2007 18:31

Title: Chapter 6 - Torture
Characters: Merry, Pippin, Frodo, Sam, Gandalf, Aragorn etc
Genre: Drama/angst
Summary: An AU of what could have happened if all 4 hobbits are captured at Amon Hen.
Warnings: Angst, violence and some blood.
Status: Incomplete.
Notes: Not beta'd

Chapter 6: Torture
Pippin was dumped roughly, a large number of eyes where staring at him, he stayed perfectly still.

“What is it!” shouted one orc

“It’s Sharky’s.” Said Sugnu looking though a large pile of oddments, “he wants us lot to teach I some manners apparently!”

“I’ll teach it some manners and eat it!”

“NO!” snapped the Uruk-hai making the smaller orc’s jump, “it must be kept alive or they’ll be some heads off!” The orc stayed silent.

Pippin felt sick, not just at the sight of the place but the smell, Sugnu had taken him deep underground. There was a stench of sulphur in the air. Pippin looked quickly around as Sugnu grabbed him with his claw like hands. He was dragged along for some distance before stopping. Sugnu spoke in his own language holding out a handful of coins. The other Uruk-hai took them and set to his creation. Pippin was sat on the stone floor where he was constantly stared at by passers by. Within a few minutes he was sat on a high stone table.

“Hold out your arms!” the halfling did as he was told, the Uruk-hai placed a ring of metal around his wrist and soldered it together, a piece of heavy chain linked it to another ring which was soldered to Pippin’s other wrist: making shackles.

“Thanks!” Sugnu grunted and grabbed the chain, pulling Pippin down from the table onto his feet, where the hobbit struggled to keep up with the Uruk-hai’s pace. He fell and his knees grazed along the stony floor. It was a good five minutes before the Uruk-hai stopped. Two orc’s where guarding a doorway. Sugnu spoke quickly and was let through. Pippin was then picked up and Sugnu carried him, he was finally set down infront of a group of mixed Orc and Uruk-hai.

“This halfling is Sharky’s!” shouted Sugnu, “I needs to be taught some manners and the meaning of pain apparently” he pushed Pippin forward, “make sure it stays alive, I’ll be back for it at dawn!” he turned and left.

Pippin stayed firmly still and there was a long silence.

“I’ll give you a draught of my ale if you can make it talk!” shouted an Uruk-hai. The others laughed wildly. One orc strode up and grabbed Pippin’s shackles pulling him swiftly to the floor. Pippin decided it best to close his eyes, he had done it when he was with the others and in captive of the Uruk-hai.

“Lets do this properly!” cried one, the group jeered; Pippin blocked the sound and curled into a ball.

“I’ll give you a swig of my ale if you make it talk” the orc repeated what he had said.

“Talk runt!” shouted a voice above him. He was then kicked in the side, softly for a start then harder until the blow knocked most of the air out of him. Pippin gasped for air as the orc’s continued to laugh at his misfortune.

“I don’t think it understands!” a different voice cut in, “let me try!” there was a short silence and then a sudden raw of laughter as a whip cracked and hit the hobbits back. Pippin gritted his teeth and bit down on his lip hard. The whip struck again, this time he found it hard not to scream, he bit his lip harder, making it bleed. The orc’s continued to laugh. As he was whipped again he couldn’t help himself and stifled a small cry.

“It spoke!” the orc shouted, he was quickly rewarded his swig of ale.

“What about I’ll give anyone a whole bottle of ale if you can get it to stand up!” a deeper voice cried over the laughter.

Pippin listened intently as the orc’s all offered each other things for getting the hobbit to do things. Finally there was a silence, Pippin waited for what was next.

“Stand up!” someone shouted, Pippin decided this time to do as he was told and the orc’s seemed to find more amusement with this. Pippin felt sick at there laughter, he stood feeling quiet ashamed of himself. Tears began to trickle slowly down his cheeks, he wanted Merry, he missed home, was any of this ever going to end. He sniffed trying his best to hold back his emotions.

“It’s not supposed to do as it’s told!” shouted an Uruk-hai.

“Stop sniffling!” shouted another. Pippin felt a large fist hit on the side of his face, his jaw seemed to click. The pain swept quickly to his head, he collapsed to the floor as his eyes now darkened.

“Now look what you gone and done!” Pippin heard a few stray voices in his head, the pain in his jaw was unbearable “You’ve gone and killed it!” he lay still on the floor and his thoughts seemed to float away and everything went black.

angst, fanfiction, lotr

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